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Microsoft Faculty Connection

nbgrader to automate assessment and grading with JupyterHub on Azure Data Science VM

Jupyter notebook on Microsoft Data Science Virtual MachineThe Anaconda distribution on the Microsoft...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 07/21/2017

Using React and building a web site on Azure

Guest post from Walid Behlock Microsoft Student Partner at University College London About me I have...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 07/21/2017

Imagine Cup 2017 - Meet the Team and Judges for next weeks final

Meet the teams! Meet the World Finals Teams! Read about the students and innovations that earned...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 07/21/2017

Microsoft Flow the Concept - Industrial Project Summary

Introduction Microsoft Flow is a newly developed software service by Microsoft. It acts as a...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 07/20/2017

Getting Started with Data Science using Cortana Intelligence Solutions Templates

Cortana Intelligence Gallery Reference architectures for common data science scenarios are now...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 07/20/2017

Using External data with Azure Jupyter Notebooks

One of the vital requirements for academics is to provide a single data set to allow all there...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 07/20/2017

Open Source at Microsoft

Thousands of Microsoft engineers use, contribute to and release open source every day across every...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 07/19/2017

How to Set-up and Host Your Own Website with an SQL Server on Azure for Students

Guest post by James Tavernor, Microsoft Student Partner from Imperial College LondonAbout MeHi, I’m...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 07/19/2017

Docker Containers and Windows

Docker ContainersSo for many students containers are a new learning opportunity and experience....

Author: Lee Stott Date: 07/18/2017

Hands-on Introduction for Getting Started with F# in the Browser using

Guest blog by Jin Yun Soo Microsoft Student Partner at Imperial College About Me Hello, I am Jin....

Author: Lee Stott Date: 07/18/2017

Getting started with R · Arithmetic and logical operators, Objects, Vectors, Factors & Lists

Guest post by Slaviana Pavlovich Microsoft Student Partner I am an IT and Management student at...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 07/17/2017

C# 7.0 and Beyond

Guest blog by Microsoft Student Partner Henry Thompson I’m an incoming third year studying Computer...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 07/17/2017

Micro:bit: the ‘All-in-one’ device that you have been missing out on

Guest blog by Ana-Marie Nicolaie Microsoft Student Partner at University College London. My name is...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 07/12/2017

Spatial Data Analysis with R

Guest blog by Jason Zhang Microsoft Student Partner at the University of CambridgeHi, I am Jason, a...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 07/09/2017

Tips and Tricks to Save money when using Azure

A few months ago I wrote this post...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 07/07/2017

Windows Template Studio

If your interested in building an app for Windows 10 UWP then there is now a easier way to get...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 07/05/2017

How to implement the backpropagation using Python and NumPy

I was recently speaking to a University Academic and we got into the discussion of practical...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 07/04/2017

How to Develop and Host a Proof-of-Concept Prototype on Azure App Services for Web Apps

Guest blog from Microsoft Student Partner Fangfang Hu from Imperial College London.Fangfang Hu is an...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 07/02/2017

Running Matlab on Azure - Provision a MATLAB Distributed Computing Server using Azure VMs

Run your MATLAB compute-intensive parallel workloads by creating one or more MATLAB Distributed...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 06/29/2017

Microsoft Dream Build Play Game Development Competition $200,000 in prizes

Calling all game developersPush the boundaries of creativity and challenge yourself to craft...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 06/29/2017

Count down to World Wide finals of Imagine Cup

Scott Guthrie, Microsoft’s executive vice president of Cloud and Enterprise, will host the Imagine...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 06/20/2017

Cloud Computing & Skills for a Digital Workforce

Guest post by Derek Foster from The Lincoln School of Computer Science (LSoCS) The LSoCS recently...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 06/20/2017

Hosting and Performing Hackathons

I was asked to speak at the Microsoft Academic Conference, in Redmond this week and provide world...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 06/19/2017

Using Shibboleth and Domain Connecting your Data Science Virtual Machine

Installing Shibboleth and federating it with your Office365 AADA number of institutions have contact...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 06/19/2017

Android Development with Azure Mobile App Services

Guest blog by Microsoft Student Partner Isaac Hutt I am a First (soon to be Second) Year student at...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 06/19/2017

Windows Server 2016 - Data Science Virtual Machine

Last month the DSVM team released the Data Science VM on the Windows Server 2016. The main...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 06/16/2017

Watch the World Wide Imagine Cup Finals

Welcome to the countdown for the Imagine Cup 2017 World Wide Finals The competition shows the true...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 06/15/2017

An Introduction to Mixed Reality game development with HoloLens and Unity

Image source: Guest post by Sondre Agledahl,...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 06/11/2017

How to build your first Xamarin app

Guest Blog by Carmen Livia Ibanescu, Microsoft Student Partner at University College London A little...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 06/11/2017

Guide to the Microsoft Azure Notebooks for Students

This is a guest post by Francine Tan, Microsoft Student Partner at Imperial College LondonHi I'm...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 06/10/2017

Heading to Seattle team SEAT from University College London

Guest blog by three computer science undergraduate students at University College London who have...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 06/07/2017

Announcing the Keynote Speakers - Microsoft Academic Conference for Higher Education, June 19-20th

Learn the latest trends in technology and education directly from Microsoft experts!Margo DayVice...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 06/03/2017

Role Based Access Control and Azure Subscription GUID

Getting your Azure GUID (subscription ID) In some situations you need to identify your Azure...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 05/30/2017

Donaco UK Imagine Cup National Winners

Guest blog from Imagine Cup UK National Finals Winner team Donaco from Imperial College London The...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 05/25/2017

Building IoT Solutions Hands-on Labs

Microsoft strategy around Intelligent Edge and Intelligent Cloud has Internet of Things (IoT) as a...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 05/24/2017

Azure Craft A hack for kids and parents to learn AI Programming

Guest blog by Richard Conway, ElastaCloud, Microsoft MVP Regional Director, Azure UK User Group...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 05/23/2017

Neural networks and deep learning with Microsoft Azure GPU

Guest blog by Yannis Assael from Oxford University The rise of neural networks and deep learning is...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 05/23/2017

Wireframe, Mock-up, Prototype - getting your ideas shared

At present we are working with the Imagine Cup UK teams to ensure that have suitable prototypes and...

Author: Lee Stott Date: 05/19/2017

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