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study groups: who's hustlin'?

Todd in Canada gave me some info on the study group they've been running for about a year and a half (2 MCSEs, 1 MCSA, 1 MCP so far, + some MCTs and MCTS: Vistas in the works). He mentioned some of the things they've been working on, or trying out:

  • Keep everyone motivated by sending regular newsletters to remind people of the homework
  • Charge for participation; include a copy of the MS Press book to keep and an exam voucher
  • Break up responsibility "We used to do a session that each person had to present one chapter and we did one chapter per night (which was Monday nights) and that person had to do everything. So if you had a person weak in presentation skills, it made for a long night. Breaking up the chapters making one person responsible for a lesson and another for the demo has helped big time."

If you are attending or hosting study groups for exams and you have suggestions, links to your study group info, or links to info on getting started and what works, would you post them here? It would be great to publish online somewhere on for others to use as a reference.
