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Rain gear and a little hat

I am taking a vacation*. For most of you, who care not one whit what I do, this is not newsworthy. For the tiny minority of you who are tracking my travel plans**, you might be interested to know that I am going to be on holiday on the south island of New Zealand starting right now. It will be cold, I hear (I have packed rain gear, fleecy outfits, and a hat), and beautiful, with lots of mountains and good wine. I have two books packed:

  1. Leaving Microsoft to Save the World by John Wood. I am reading this because my dad gave it to me.
  2. Scar Tissue by Anthony Kiedis. I am reading this because I am a fan of bad autobirawkgraphies.

Maybe I will have something interesting to say on this blog when I get back, either about libraries in Nepal, rock-star exploits, or sheep.

Your friend,


* If you send me an e-mail and my out-of-office bounceback tells you that it is November 2006 and I am in Barcelona, don't buy it for one minute. it is just not true.

**please note that this has not gotten any less creepy from last time we discussed it


  • Anonymous
    August 15, 2007
    have a great holiday Trika, take lots of photos, and tell the rain to come to Australia instead - we need it more over here.

  • Anonymous
    August 15, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 15, 2007
    My Vista gadget says it is 92 degrees in Jacksonville, Florida. Oh did I mention IT IS 8:30 AT NIGHT! If you breathe deep enough, you can drown with all the water (humidity) in the air. Have fun in the cool air. And bring me back something... New Zealandish. :-)

  • Anonymous
    August 15, 2007
    Kiaora Trika, I was at your session at TechEd NZ, and I must say it was a valuable presentation. Also, the freebie which we got towards the end of the session (50% off the next exam).... I would have liked to see more emphasis laid on certification at NZ TechEd, and also some on the spot examinations like our counterparts in OZ got to do. I was carrying my certification card in my vallet, and thought I was worthless (we didn't get any freebies for carrying it)...Maybe nxt time???? Have a great time in NZ and make sure you have Bluff oysters in SI. Make sure you visit the Museum of NZ- Te Papa. Give us a holla if you happen to visit sunny city of NZ- Wellington. See you at next Tech Ed...... Cheers

  • Anonymous
    August 16, 2007
    Sorry we couldn't catch up before you headed South. Have a great time!  The South Island is absolutely beautiful. Should be good skiing in Queenstown if you're headed that direction. Cheers, James

  • Anonymous
    August 16, 2007
    Hope you have a great time trika, take pics for us...

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2007
    Srinath, Thanks for the note! I'm glad you were there. I think we would all like to see more about cert :-) and I know the NZ team would too. It often comes down to how much time is available, and so many worthwhile pursuits. It was great to be there, though, to see what the event is like. Maybe next year we can work on a little more cert activity and a little more appreciation for our MCPs!