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"So, a booth babe and a geek walk in to a bar..."

Marketing talks about Windows Embedded (Or will, as soon as Marketing knows what's she's talking about)

More TechEd 2007 Info... for people who haven't registered yet.

Just heard from the TechEd 2007 team that there is an XBox raffle for people who register before May...

Author: Trika Date: 04/24/2007

Partner competency points and certification

If you work in an MSPP (Microsoft Partner Program) organization, your employer might be wondering...

Author: Trika Date: 04/24/2007

Nothing New! Just More Official!

Here's the page about exams retiring in 2008:...

Author: Trika Date: 04/23/2007

Heads up on 2008 certification exam retirements announced in our March Live Meeting on server certifications, Microsoft Learning will be...

Author: Trika Date: 04/20/2007

MCP Live Meeting: Introducing the Windows Server “Longhorn” Certification Roadmap

As we said earlier, we'll beta the 2003-->Longhorn upgrade exams at TechEd (1st week of June in...

Author: Trika Date: 04/20/2007

for IT architects (or aspiring)

"At the end of the day, no matter what technologies, vendors or methodologies are utilized, all IT...

Author: Trika Date: 04/20/2007

Happy Birthday, Ken! (or, Office 2007 cert recording)

Recording of yesterday's Live Meeting on 2007 Office System Certifications for IT pros and devs can...

Author: Trika Date: 04/20/2007

Prep guides for 2007 Office applications exams

Prep guides for the first few Microsoft Business Certifications I was mumbling about earlier are now...

Author: Trika Date: 04/20/2007

Red Office? Check.

I'm sitting here in my new red office, getting whacked on paint fumes, waiting for our Live Meeting...

Author: Trika Date: 04/18/2007

Reminder: tomorrow's meeting on technical certifications for 2007 Office System

In tomorrow's meeting we're talking about the IT pro and developer certs available and coming up for...

Author: Trika Date: 04/17/2007

TechEd 2007 test center registration now open

Like I says before, exams will be $50 on site at the test center hosted by our outstanding partner...

Author: Trika Date: 04/17/2007

TechNet+ Direct offer ends on April 30

If you are planning to take an exam soon, you might want to check out the free TechNet + Direct...

Author: Trika Date: 04/17/2007

What's Hot: Hypervisor Running on Bare Metal

If Hypervisor, running on bare metal, makes you uncomfortable, be glad you did not attend our Live...

Author: Trika Date: 04/13/2007

Respekt in the Streetz: MCP Wallet Cards

I know a lot of you are out there flashing your MCP wallet cards to get Much Respect...up in the...

Author: Trika Date: 04/12/2007

Certification data

I heard from a few of you last week (last few days of March, in particular) that your records...

Author: Trika Date: 04/10/2007

Q. Will there be a training kit for MCDBA upgrade exam 70-447?

A. No. We’re not currently planning a Training Kit for the upgrade exam 70-447. But all the...

Author: Trika Date: 04/09/2007

Start studying now if you're going to TechEd in Orlando

So there is a certification test center at TechEd and we just got confirmation that all exams taken...

Author: Trika Date: 04/06/2007

N.T.T.N.: straight bloggin'

My Microsoft Learning Neighbor to the North (NTTN) colleague, Jennifer, is a guest bloggette on...

Author: Trika Date: 04/06/2007

2006 certification survey results

"On-the-job training was judged the best method of preparing for certification with about 71 percent...

Author: Trika Date: 04/04/2007


word on the street is that 71-500 has been scored and all results should now be out to customers. if...

Author: Trika Date: 04/04/2007

I just accepted a job offer from Google!

April Fools! Just kidding, I like Microsoft a lot, not going anywhere. I am, however, on vacation,...

Author: Trika Date: 04/01/2007

Northwest's Premier Vanpool Divided by Clock Adjustment Debate

-----Original Message-----Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:00 AMTo: TickSubject: RE: Warning -- set...

Author: Trika Date: 03/29/2007

Does the MCITP for Exchange 2007 require 2 or 3 exams?

Answer is 3. 70-236 to earn the MCTS; then 70-237 AND 70-238 to earn MCITP: Enterprise Messaging...

Author: Trika Date: 03/29/2007

MCSA, MCSE, and Windows Server Longhorn certifications

As promised, the link to today's morning presentation: here. Here is a summary: MCSA and MCSE are...

Author: Trika Date: 03/29/2007

Q. What tastes better than humble pie?

A. Indian food. In this morning's meeting on Server Certifications (link to come soon), I gave...

Author: Trika Date: 03/28/2007

Windows Server 2000, 2003, Longhorn Certifications

Last Chance to Register for an MCP Live Meeting: Windows Server Certification Microsoft...

Author: Trika Date: 03/27/2007

Git yer fix now, boys (or, MCP Site Downtime Notice)

The MCP site will be down for routine maintenance starting tomorrow, for about a day and half. The...

Author: Trika Date: 03/26/2007

To be clear: 70-620 as MCSA/MCSE elective

For both MCSA and MCSE 2000 and 2003, 70-620 ("Big Vista" exam) can be used to satisfy: core exam...

Author: Trika Date: 03/26/2007

Exam 71-540 info

A quick note for those who need 71-540 results on Howard's blog.

Author: Trika Date: 03/24/2007

U R not Bng ignrd, pls K thx

I'm talking to all y'all MCSA and MCSEs out there. A few customers brought this up in a recent...

Author: Trika Date: 03/23/2007

Register for MCA Live Meeting: Lewis Curtis on Perspective Based Architecture

Join Microsoft Certified Architect (MCA) Lewis Curtis in our third talk in a series of...

Author: Trika Date: 03/22/2007

OT: Happy Birthday Dining Room

Something I recommend is painting HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAE in huge letters on your dining room walls in...

Author: Trika Date: 03/20/2007

getting the kids off the street: Business Intelligence exams

Our website says 445 and 446 are scheduled to release in February. This just in: it's March, which...

Author: Trika Date: 03/20/2007

71-621 and 71-623 (Vista Beta Exams) Invitations to Send on March 22

Retake invite for 621 and re-registration invite for 623 are both scheduled to be sent out on March...

Author: Trika Date: 03/19/2007

SQL2005 Certs (+new offers on 431 & 447 Press, E-learning, Practice Tests)

If you are trying to pass exam 70-431 or upgrade with 70-431 and 70-447...We now have 6 Microsoft...

Author: Trika Date: 03/19/2007

Fraud prevention and certification

Mitch has an interesting post and comments on what is being done to prevent fraud/misrepresentation...

Author: Trika Date: 03/18/2007

Virtualization and more on our MCA presenter

More on Allen Stewart, our Microsoft Certified Architect (MCA) presenter for the Virtualization...

Author: Trika Date: 03/18/2007

One in a million. I mean, one in 1,433.

If you have a Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD) credential, you are one of 1,433...

Author: Trika Date: 03/18/2007

Oh, the humanity! (or, hello MCTs)

There were all sorts of trainers canoodleing about in our building yesterday afternoon as I was...

Author: Trika Date: 03/16/2007

Exam 70-500 (TS): Microsoft Windows Mobile Designing, Implementing, and Managing

Live as of March 2:

Author: Trika Date: 03/16/2007

2007 Office System: Certifications for IT pros and developers

We've got registration open now for the April 18 Live Meeting to introduce/explain the IT...

Author: Trika Date: 03/13/2007

so fresh, so clean: introducing Jeff Hora's blog

Jeff sits across the hall from me (when his office door is open I can see a little extra bit of sky...

Author: Trika Date: 03/13/2007

until March 31, 25% off MCAD/MCSD to VS2005 exams

Last few weeks for this promotion: If...

Author: Trika Date: 03/13/2007

SBS 2003 R2 and E2007 (or, How Things Went in our First MCA Live Meeting)

I should have mentioned that our first Microsoft Certified Architect live meeting went really well;...

Author: Trika Date: 03/10/2007

Virtualization Technologies: Microsoft Certified Architect Live Meeting for MCPs

Our registration info for the next MCA-led Live Meeting (March 21) is now up on the MCP site. The...

Author: Trika Date: 03/09/2007

Check it: developer e-learning on the way

Author: Trika Date: 03/09/2007

Knock Knock. Who's There? Hopefully someone who can explain the 'new generation' of Microsoft Certification.

Hello. So, we're getting better about explaining why and how we made changes to the structure of...

Author: Trika Date: 03/09/2007

What to do if you haven't gotten your beta exam scores.

If you have taken a Microsoft Certification beta exam and haven't gotten your scores by the time the...

Author: Trika Date: 03/08/2007

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