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TN Search Goes Social

Did you notice that the URL for search on TechNet changed recently?

It is now


Check out the new "refinements" (that work like "filters", only, I guess "filters" sounds too prole...) and the "Related To:" listings that bring you "pre-refined" searches, nifty.


Bothered by English-language results being categorized higher on the search results page than non-English results? Check out the new ability to exclude English results. 

Ever wanted to narrow your TN/MSDN search results to "just code"? Check out the MSDN Code Search preview.  

Follow the Rob Veliz blog for more info.


  • Anonymous
    October 10, 2008
    Watch Chris Slemp's video* for an overview of TN/MSDN's "social platform" that includes: Social Bookmarking