N Heads are Better Than One
If I were part of the response team for a Day 0 or other IT security response team, or doing training to prepare for that, or a parent who wanted to help a student research a project for school, I’d want to know about the SearchTogether beta (requires Windows Live ID). Click here to download.
ST comes out of Microsoft Research and includes group query histories, split searching, page-level rating and commenting, automatically-generated shared summaries, peek-and-follow browsing, and integrated chat. For a more complete discussion of SearchTogether's features, check out the tutorial and the SearchTogether beta forum. The forum enables you to post comments, feedback, and feature requests, and can meet and connect with others with whom they might wish to engage in a collaborative Web search.
Check it out. Leave comments here on how IT Pros might use this.
- Anonymous
May 10, 2008
If I were part of the response team for a Day 0 or other IT security response team, or doing training