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Free Code from Microsoft

IT Pros will be interested in the new Codeplex site on MSDN. Yes, the focus is on serving the needs of Devs, but then, 1/3 of you IT Pros identify as Devs too! A search of their free (Windows LiveID signin required) code examples may turn up things of use, for example:

A GUI tool for viewing/setting diagnostic logging in Exchange 2007 (powershell)

BizTalk Server 2006 Scripts

A windbg script to dump the column names from a data table

Windows Folder Web Part

Efficiently Delete/Purge All items From A SharePoint List

...and more. Happy hunting.

Would you like to see an IT Pro version of Code Gallery on TechNet? What features would you like to add/modify? Leave feedback here or send mail to and I will forward them to the Dev team.