The Poster
You may have heard recently about the Active Directory Component Jigsaw poster included in the March/April issue of TechNet Magazine (hopefully you're a subscriber, and you already have one of your own!) We have to admit, the response to the poster has been pretty incredible. IT Pros are finding it to be a really useful way to visualize and better understand the complexity of Active Directory, and we've been hearing from lots of you about how you're using it, and how to get additional copies.
Fortunately, we printed a lot of them :-)
If you didn't receive a copy of the poster, take the following steps:
1) Subscribe to TechNet Magazine (not "required", but come on... why wouldn't you?)
2) E-mail us with your preferred postal address, and we'll get a copy of the poster out to you as soon as we can (while supplies last).
Unfortunatley, we don't have an electronic version of the poster to distribute. The print copies will have to do.
Thanks to those who have written in already. Please keep the feedback coming. Your input can - and does - shape TechNet Magazine.
Joshua Hoffman
Technical & Acquisitions Editor
TechNet Magazine
January 01, 2003
The poster is now available online at!Anonymous
May 02, 2006
Love it!Anonymous
May 16, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
May 16, 2006
Hi Greg-
Extra copies of the poster are still available! All you need to do is e-mail your request, along with your preferred mailing address, to
September 18, 2006
My co-worker has one of posters but He is not willing to share :-) I took a look at it and it really clears things up plus helps you remember when you need a quick refresh. can I get a copy if still any left? Thanks.Anonymous
September 18, 2006
Thanks, Jorge. Extra copies of the poster are on their way!
November 12, 2006
Is the poster available online?