The many faces of TechEd
Tech·Ed 2007 is almost upon us, and we're very busy here at TechNet Magazine Headquarters getting ready for all of the parties! (And the learning and the sessions and the networking and stuff too, but mainly the parties.)
And it turns out we're not the only ones. Among the many TechNet Magazine authors coming to Tech·Ed (over 40 sessions this year will be given by TechNet Magazine authors) are The Microsoft Scripting Guys! Browse on over to the Script Center (here) to read the detailed accounting of how they suckered me into giving them space at the TechNet Magazine booth. But they're bringing cool stuff (Dr. Scripto crayons!), so all is forgiven and we're excited to see them in Orlando. Hopefully you'll be able to come by and join us. (Did I mention that the attendee party this year is at Universal Studios?)
All the best,
- Anonymous
January 01, 2003
As Steve Toub mentions over on the MSDN Magazine Blog , a number of us from the TechNet Magazine and