TechNet Magazine podcasts
Hi everyone. I'm Joshua Trupin, the executive editor of TechNet Magazine, and I'm sometimes known as "the Other Josh." Many of you already feel as if you know me from my picture that gazes out at you from the magazine each month next to the "From the Editor" column. (I took that myself in a mirror, by the way. We may be having a green-screen challenge soon.)
What you may not know is that each month, I interview some of your favorite authors for the TechNet Magazine podcast. In recent months I've spoken to Mark Russinovich, Don Jones, Jesper Johanssen, Steve Riley, Jeremy Moskowitz, and much much more. Josh Hoffman (who is sometimes known as "the Other Other Josh") also gets you up to date on the issue ahead. I urge - no, I order - you to pick up a podcast today and listen to us!
The January 2007 TechNet Magazine podcast features KC Lemson, who talks all about Exchange program management, and it's more than worth your time. Check it out today.
- Anonymous
January 01, 2003
Talking with the TechNet magazine team.