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System Center Essentials 2007

The third part of our Microsoft System Center focus in the August issue of TechNet Magazine takes a look at System Center Essentials 2007.

Getting Started with System Center Essentials 2007

System Center Essentials 2007 provides monitoring, troubleshooting, and asset tracking functionality as well as a unified management console. In other words, Essentials essentially combines and updates many of the features found in Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM).

In this issue, David Mills gives you an overview of installing and configuring Essentials 2007. David provides tips for upgrading from existing WSUS or MOM installations, along with troubleshooting problems with computer discovery, agent deployment, and communication.

There's more information about MOM and Operations Manager in our archives, and don't forget to check out our coverage of System Center Configuration Manager and System Center Operations Manager in this issue, too.


Terrence Dorsey
