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Mark Russinovich at TechEd

I'm sure by now, most all of you are familiar with Mark Russinovich, a technical fellow in the platforms division at Microsoft.  Whether you know Mark from his innovative work at Sysinternals and Winternals, his defining book Windows Internals (co-authored with David Solomon), or his many articles as a contributing editor to TechNet Magazine, it's quite clear that he is an innovative mind in our field.  Well, Mark is also a gifted and popular speaker, and I was privilaged to attend a number of his sessions at TechEd this year. Many of those sessions are now available for you to view online, free of charge. I recommend starting with User Account Control Internals and Impact on Malware (based on the article from our June 2007 issue, Inside Windows Vista User Account Control). Also available is a fascinating session detailing kernel-level changes made in Windows Server 2008 (you'll see an article in TechNet Magazine on this topic from Mark later this year; in the meantime, take a look at his series of articles detailing kernel changes in Windows Vista).

Listening to Mark is always an educational experience.  I highly recommend you set aside some time to enjoy these sessions (or read Mark's articles on our Web site). You won't be sorry.

Have a great weekend!
