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Echo vs. RSS

The whole reason I started a blog was because I was interested in the technology behind it.  I wanted to try and really get it and to do that I had to write.  It's been pretty fun.  I have a list an arm long of features I'd like to see and those that I already love.  I have this public blog and also an internal one at my company.  I use the blog to tell others what I think and to keep track of document that only I care about.  I use them to keep track of links that I find useful or interesting.  I also enjoy seeing how other people use web logs.  I am hooked on it.

Anyhow, this afternoon I got back from a little trip to Vancouver and fired up my aggregator.  There are lots of people talking about Echo vs. RSS this weekend and I just find it fascinating.  I love watching the features, the egos, the technology, the political maneuvering and even the temper tantrums.  I have no doubt that the main players will find a way to extend the blogging feature-set to the benefits of the users.  The user is the most important thing.  Don't lose sight of that, please guys.


  • Anonymous
    June 29, 2003
    While I haven't really enjoyed the bits of the argument to which I've been exposed, I totally agree with you regarding users.

    Arguments over RSS and Echo are fun for the geeks, but only worthwhile if they eventually benefit the users.

    I don't understand a lot of the hoopla behind the arguments as well as those who are involved with them, but I hope that the result is a technical choice rather than a political one.

    I'm a geek, but not far above the average user where RSS vs. Echo is concerned, and I can tell you that the most important thing to me is that all this stuff still works after the dust settles. I don't care who defines the technology behind blogging as long as it provides me with the software that I use to spread my insanity to the rest of the world...