Trust Agents
I just bought this great new book called Trust Agents from Chris Brogan*. Why did I buy it? Because Chris asked me to…in fact he asked everyone to and normally I’d be turned off my such a blatant sales pitch but from someone who gives so much away for free every day, it’s easy to return the gesture and buy his book.
Why do I know it’ll be a great book? Because Chris wrote it and my daily dose of his blog assures me it’ll be top notch.
Be good to yourself or someone else (or both)…go buy a copy.
* technically I pre-ordered as its not available from yet
- Anonymous
August 19, 2009
Lots of great books coming out soon. Shel Israel's Twitterville, Gary Vaynerchuk's Crush It! Brogan's forthcoming book means I need a new bookshelf. Love It!