Microsoft reboots
Fresh Coat of Paint: Artist Ricardo Richey, commissioned by Fortune, spray-paints a street-smartversion of Microsoft'sname and Window's logo on a San Francisco wall.
Aha…so now we know the source of those graffiti Windows 7 murals in San Francisco. Fortune commissioned Ricardo Richey to do his thing for their article Microsoft reboots.
I like the title as it does feel like a reboot is underway at the moment. There is plenty of good stuff coming out of Redmond products teams (Bing, Natal, Windows 7, Zune HD) but I think this has also led to an equally important reboot – internal pride and excitement. There is genuine and palpable excitement about Windows 7 and those other products. People seem to me to be proud once more to say they work at Microsoft and to tell our story after a few years of being pounded by Apple ads, Vista questions etc.
We’re only 6 days away now from what Fortune describe as the technology launch of the year. Wow, when was the last time you heard that about Microsoft?
It’s good to be back in game…both with our products and our people.