I want HealthVault now
Video: Health Records Simplified
I spent some time chatting with an old pal from university days this morning about a project he’s working on related to healthcare. It reminded me that I should probably explore HealthVault a little more and be able to talk about this reasonably sensibly.
I’m off researching it now and it’s clear that security and access to data are the big topics around this subject. From a personal point of view, I’d love to have a central store of health data that I can control who has access to it and when. At the moment my desk is covered with paper work I have to send to doctors and physios following a car accident I had recently. It just consumes soooo much time that I wish I could just go to website, grant access for 2 weeks and be done. That’s the future show in this video but the video above gives you a simple insight in to the challenge HealthVault is looking to address.
Anyway….off to learn more. HealthVault is on Twitter too