Binging in the changes
[image credit: Kevin P. Casey for The New York Times]
An enjoyable piece on Qi Lu who heads up Microsoft’s search business in the NY Times today. Udi Manber of Google says he “is probably the best competition I can have” which is a fine compliment. The proof will be in the results and I’m doing my small part in methodically changing all my friends and families home pages to It’s paying off as many of them say it gives them results as good as Google and they LOVE the new image on the homepage each day. They see it as a refreshing change and at times and welcome educational diversion. I’m sure Google could add the same feature at a moments notice but suspect they’re avoiding any temptation to “copy” anything from Bing as that would only serve to validate the progress being made.
There is a very very long way to go but I for one feel a tiny bit more confident with Mr Lu at the helm.