Steve Lamb's Blog
Security Matters
Why do most firewalls only inspect packet headers?
The vast majority of firewalls on the market don't inspect the payload of packets - instead they...
Author: Steve Lamb Date: 12/13/2004
Load Balancing a Rights Management Server Cluster using Network Load Balancing
The Microsoft® IT Showcase website is a great resource for learning how we secure our environment at...
Author: Steve Lamb Date: 12/13/2004
How we at Microsoft Secure our own infrastructure
Ever wondered how we secure our own infrastructure? The ITShowCase website provides IT Professionals...
Author: Steve Lamb Date: 12/13/2004
What Security topics would you like me to BlogCast about?
Eileen Brown has just posted an interesting article on her Blog which explains a new technique we're...
Author: Steve Lamb Date: 12/09/2004
How to get around CISCO's Security Agent!
Steve Riley's Blog includes the following post which just shows that even brand new security...
Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/24/2004
Securing Wireless LANs with PEAP and Passwords
There's a wealth of excellent prescriptive Guidance from Microsoft Consultants which is available...
Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/23/2004
Apparently Keystroke Logging Isn't Wiretapping
Another interesting article on Slashdot....
Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/23/2004
Protecting Your Windows Network - paths hackers can use to infiltrate networks
Steve Riley @ Jesper Johansson are writing a book titled "Proecting Your Windows Network" - an...
Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/22/2004
Why isn't the Firefox code signed?
I'm having a look @ Firefox and have noticed that the code is not signed and therefore it's...
Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/22/2004
Poetic Justic - the Register advocates XP SP2 I'm not saying that it's good that...
Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/22/2004
William Luu's feedback to my last post makes a great deal of sense - "They're just trying to boost...
Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/22/2004
Blog Spam / Phishing / Harvesting
Many Blogs are receiving feedback with links to the following URL - DO NOT FOLLOW THIS LINK(that's...
Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/20/2004
Hacking Vodka!
I came across the following post on slashdot Hacking Vodka Posted by michael on Saturday November...
Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/20/2004
Don't rely upon 802.1X to secure your wired networks!
Steve Riley gave a fasinating session @ IT Forum where he commented that 802.1X for wired networks...
Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/20/2004
What are the privacy implications of Moblogs?
It's only a matter of time before Moblogs hit the mainstream. Clearly this is something the mobile...
Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/20/2004
How to contain hackers and stop worms viruses and spam
It's great to be back in Copenhagen for ITForum 2004. I'm really looking forward to Steve Riley and...
Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/14/2004
The information in this weblog is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. This...
Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/11/2004
How to encourage users to take security seriously
Such a huge topic. In my experience getting users to buy into their role in security is imperitive...
Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/10/2004
I thoroughly enjoyed debating whether privacy's dead at the IEE Law and Security event
Details of the event can be found here . The panel session debated whether privacy's dead given the...
Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/09/2004