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Putting the Cafe Meeting in a Browser -- Looking at FreshTag, a BizSpark Member Company

Guest blog post by Prateek Gupta, founder of FreshTag, an app that connects multiple people by...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 01/10/2013

By 2020 There Will Be A Billion Entrepreneurs, And They Will be Women

If you want insight into the next billion entrepreneurs to generate new ideas, disruption and...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 01/09/2013

For your OSS image building and sharing pleasure … meet VM Depot from MS Open Tech

By Gianugo RabellinoSenior Director Open Source CommunitiesMicrosoft Open Technologies, Inc. As I...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 01/08/2013

Bill Gates Keynotes SXSW and Other Things You Will Tell Your Kids One Day

To start off this bit of news, we recently found out our old commander-in-chief Bill Gates is going...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 01/08/2013

This Open World MMORPG Is One of BizSpark's New Gaming Startups in Italy

Meet DiXidiaSoft's newest creation, Realms of Swordfall, a MMORPG. They are our first online gaming...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 01/07/2013

How Can I Get Microsoft to Write About My Startup? It's Easy!

This is a question we get so many times, its worth having a blog post about it to point people to,...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 12/26/2012

New Round of Applications Opens for Second Windows Azure Accelerator

If you are working on an app, or trying to build a company using the cloud, mobile, or any other...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 12/20/2012

A Startup Weekend Video Starring... Not Macs

Here's what happens when you do a Startup Weekend at Microsoft. A little bit about what happened at...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 12/19/2012

This Week's Best Developer and Entrepreneur Conversations on Facebook

Facebook has a really poor way of archiving and curating great conversations. Since Facebook is...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 12/15/2012

Live Stream: iOS Developers Grab Insights on How to Develop for Windows 8

We're running a live stream of this really fascinating iOS camp for Windows 8 Development. About Big...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 12/13/2012

ZenDeals Launches Out of Stealth

We caught up with ZenDeals co-founders Chris Couhault and Alexi Suvacioglu at the BizSpark CoWorking...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 12/11/2012

Software Solves and Unifies -- Why Developers Work On Microsoft Stack Technology

These three videos explain what many of the digerati fail to mention -- software is not really...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 12/07/2012

Update: ZoomIt v4.41

ZoomIt v4.41: This update fixes a bug in ZoomIt v4.4 that prevented it from running on 32-bit...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 12/06/2012

Read About How Our Launch of the NYC AppLab Went Down at We Work

General Manager of Bing Fund Rahul Sood showed up in NYC this week to open up the new Windows App...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 12/06/2012

New Offer from RightScale Helps Startups Scale on Azure

Starting this evening, it is now possible for BizSpark startups to use RightScale to ramp up quickly...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 12/04/2012

Updates: DebugView v4.81, ProcDump v5.11, ZoomIt v4.4

DebugView v4.81: Version 4.81 of DebugView, a utility that logs user and kernel-modedebug output...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 12/04/2012

A Hawk, A Lion, and a Bull All Step Up to a Digital Interactive Display and Make Advertising Interactive

Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke. It's actually just a promotion for a startup that uses busy...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 11/27/2012

What Windows Azure Benefits Do You Get from Joining BizSpark?

Here's a video that explains it.

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 11/26/2012

Updates: AdExplorer v1.44, Contig v1.7, Coreinfo v3.2, Procdump v5.1

AdExplorer v1.44: This release fixes a bug that caused AdExplorer to crash when it encountered...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 11/16/2012

“We are not a Microsoft Shop and I Know Very Little .NET” – How Distil Uses Windows Azure to Make Their Services Smarter

At the recent Foundercon, the private networking event hosted by TechStars, I was fortunate enough...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 11/16/2012

Frametastic Ports from iOS to Windows 8 -- Interview with BizSpark Startup Imaginary Feet Dev Emil Anticevic

Back in the early part of November, I cruised around San Francisco looking for developers to talk. I...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 11/15/2012

The 54 Hour Journey -- Startup Weekend Kirkland

Microsoft Technical Evangelist Steve Seow takes us through the 54 hours of glory that go into doing...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 11/14/2012

What FakeGrimlock Knows and When He Knows It -- Following Your Success to the Next Nectar Origin Will Make Your Startup Real

Are you in the matrix? Is the Twitter handle itself a complete distribution system for what you know...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 11/13/2012

Embedding at StartX: Microsoft Teams Jump Into the Fray at Startup Weekend

Very few things in the Silicon Valley tech scene are more refreshing than observing a group of gung...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 11/12/2012

What is the Startup Weekend Global Startup Battle?

You've been asking me every day about what Microsoft BizSpark will do to get more developers and...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 11/11/2012

How Startup Weekend Played Out -- The Tweets, Pics, and Video Demos Your Parents Warned You About

There was a rush of Startup Weekend events this weekend. Here are a few of the tweets, photos and...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 11/11/2012

"Load it, check it, quick - rewrite it, Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it" -- What Daft Punk Teaches About Tech

The title of this text is a piece of a Daft Punk’s song called Technology. Though this song...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 11/05/2012

You Can Help Microsoft NERD Help Sandy Victims -- Donations Collected November 5, From 3-4 PM

Attention friends and colleagues in Boston. You can help Chris Brogan and his girlfriend Jacqueline...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 11/04/2012

Spanish Innovation -- Solving Unemployment with Apps and Startups

How do you beat unemployment? You spark a startup movement with education initiatives and a focus on...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 11/03/2012

Are You Ready to Think Next? Steve Ballmer and More will be in Tel Aviv Next Week

The Microsoft Research and Development Center Israel is hosting a new edition of Think Next starting...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 11/01/2012

DreamIt and Microsoft Help Startups Dream, Then Do

I was first introduced to Arie Abecassis, one of the Managing Partners at DreamIt Ventures, back in...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 10/31/2012

BizSpark Members Make Up 3% of Dave McLure's Fifth Class at 500 Startups

Dave McLure's 500 startups announced their new class today, and since 9 of those 33 teams are...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 10/31/2012

BizSpark Members Make Up 30% of Dave McLure's Fifth Class at 500 Startups

Dave McLure's 500 startups announced their new class today, and since 9 of those 33 teams are...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 10/31/2012

In Russia, Using Azure to Turn Your Daily Blog Reading into a Paper Route

For the Russian speakers out there, here's a very handy series on how BizSpark members AtContent...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 10/31/2012

BizSpark Member and DEMO Africa Roundup

It's time to do a quick roundup of what African entrepreneurs know that you don't know. DEMO Africa...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 10/27/2012

DEMO Africa: Make a Business Plan that Adapts to Tech Changes

DEMO Africa ended on Friday, but that won't stop us from running our remaining interviews with some...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 10/27/2012

Meet a Microsoft BizSpark Ambassador: Vishnu Prasad in Singapore

To introduce our next Microsoft Ambassador, we turn to Singapore. Vishnu Prasad works for...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 10/27/2012

DEMO Africa: SASA Builds E-Commerce for the Emerging Billions

Congratulations to SASA Africa, one of five DEMO Lions at DEMO Africa, which wrapped up today in...

Author: BizSpark Online Date: 10/26/2012

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