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Contagious Curiosity

Thoughts from SoCalDevGal

BizTalk Services (R12) Release

From Clemens blog another interesting beta (CTP) released yesterday.  Are you interested in...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 07/16/2008

MVC Filter Interceptors and more

What you don't read ScottGu's blog?  Who DOESN'T read his blog?  Well, apparently me - the...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 07/14/2008

Vibro.NET : Announcing the Beta release of “Zermatt” Developer Identity Framework

Interested in the 'identity problem'?  Sometimes these quiet, little betas should really get...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 07/13/2008

Smart Business Intelligence Solutions with Microsoft SQL Server 2008: il libro. - Impedance Mismatch

One of my co-authors for my new SQL Server 2008 BI book (Davide Mauri) hails from Milan and blogged...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 07/11/2008

Thanks to SouthBay.NET UG

Thanks to the great team that runs the South Bay.NET UG in Torrance, CA for inviting me to speak...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 07/11/2008

geekSpeak taking off the month of July -see you in August

Oops, I forgot to mention this.  We'll be back, better than ever in August.  See the link...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 07/09/2008

Do you search on yourself?

Of course you do.  I mean, c'mon we all do.  But how creative are you?  What...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 07/06/2008

Just take a break and...Dance!

Matt rules! Where The Hell Is Matt?

Author: lynnlangit Date: 07/02/2008

Human Popfly

While preparing curriculum for the upcoming DigiGirlz technology summer camp to be held at...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 06/30/2008

SQL Server 2008 Business Intelligence New Features

| View | Upload your own From my talk delivered at SoCalCodeCamp in San Diego today - enjoy! ...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 06/29/2008


A Fun geek movie to be sure - of course, I especially loved the Extra-terrestrial Vegetation...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 06/28/2008

Smart Business Intelligence Solutions with Microsoft SQL Server 2008: Lynn Langit

Isn't the cover pretty?  I have no idea what the tool that was selected to be featured on the...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 06/23/2008

Distributed Agents and Fractals using DSS/VPL

Life just offers up too many pleasant distractions, doesn't it?  Here's a cool blog entry about...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 06/23/2008

Silverlight Fifteen Puzzle

Here's something fun - my favorite puzzle in the world (little known fact about me - I won the...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 06/22/2008

What's New in IE8 for developers

I am interested in getting feedback from any of you readers (developers) out there who may have...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 06/18/2008

MSDN geekSpeak: Workflow Services in .NET 3.5 with Jon Flanders

Tune in to tomorrow's (June 18) geekSpeak w/MVP WF/WCF/BizTalk expert and all-around brainiac Jon...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 06/17/2008

SharePoint Web 2.0 FireStarter - Live Meeting Recordings

If you missed the live event in Seattle or via the Live Meeting, catch the recordings here. Veni,...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 06/16/2008

21 Signs a Geek Girl Likes You

All true - especially numbers 9, 18 and 21 :) 21 Signs a Geek Girl Likes You - Geek Girfriend Tips -...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 06/14/2008

CodeFest comes to the Second Life on June 11th

  We are doing more and more evangelism in Second Life (yes, I'll be there too soon!) ...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 06/10/2008

SharePoint Developer Resources

New SharePoint Developer website - check it out! Do Less. Get More. Develop on SharePoint. Also, get...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 06/05/2008

Introduction to SQL Server 2008 Business Intelligence for .NET Developers

Thanks to the LA .NET Developer's user group for inviting me to speak on my favorite topic. Here are...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 06/05/2008

I'll be @ SoCalDotNet in LA on Wednesday 6/4

I'll be speaking at the SoCalDotNet Developer's User Group this Wednesday, June 4 from 6:30 to 9:00...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 06/02/2008


While visiting the Getty Museum yesterday, I really enjoyed this Rembrandt. Interesting to read...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 06/02/2008

PDC2008 registration is open

Among the goodness at this year's PDC in LA in this October is a pre-con session that I'm...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 05/29/2008

SharePoint in Web 2.0 Fire Starter- Live Meeting

On June 11 fro 8:30 am PST to 5: 00 pm PST, my colleague, Mithun Dhar is hosting a SharePoint...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 05/28/2008

MSDN geekSpeak: T-SQL Tips and Tricks in SQL Server 2008

Join Mithun Dhar and me next Wednesday, June 4th from 12 - 1 pm PST as we get your toughest T-SQL...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 05/27/2008

I tell Geoff everything!

When TechZulu showed up to capture the flavor of our recent SQL Server 2008 FireStarter event, they...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 05/22/2008

Channel9 Wiki: SQLServer 2005 Business Intelligence Resources

Hey there readers.  I've been doing a large number of presentations related to all things 'BI'...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 05/21/2008

Listening to Alan Kay

Tonight I had the pleasure of listening to the inventor of the Squeak language (as well as a number...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 05/20/2008

SharePoint Developer Webcast series

Updating to fix broken links Register for the SharePoint Introduction for .NET developers...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 05/16/2008

SQL Server 2008 Data Mining in San Diego

Here's the deck I showed last night at the San Diego UG Be sure to register for my webcast on Data...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 05/16/2008

Rocketman flies - time for a Rocketwoman?

OMG does this look great! I do actually have experience paragliding, but THIS takes the idea to...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 05/15/2008

When to use WCF where by MLB

updated to include links to other presentations at end of this post Great MSDN article by...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 05/13/2008

Silverlight for the Enterprises - Fundamentals

Great blog post on internals and best practices for those of you working on Silverlight 2.0 beta 1...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 05/12/2008

I'll be in San Diego, speaking on BI and more

I'll be speaking on Data Mining for .NET developers at the MS Office in San Diego on Thursday, May...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 05/11/2008

I'm brave - at least you think so

Hmm...I wonder what I did to deserve this rating on Facebook? Ironically, even though I seem to have...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 05/10/2008

An Introvert becomes Social

Most people just don't believe me when I tell them I am actually an introvert.* I've had many a job...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 05/09/2008

I'm on YouTube

A recent talk that I gave at a SoCal User Group on Data Mining in SQL Server 2008 is on...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 05/08/2008

The Rise of the Rest

Interesting read from Newsweek about the decline of the US as a world power. This article is an...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 05/07/2008

OC.NET User Group May 7 in Irvine

I'll be hosting the OC .NET UG at the Microsoft Irvine office from 6:30 to 9pm this Wednesday, May...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 05/05/2008

I play games

With my work on Microsoft's DigiGirlz program (free events to get information to high school aged...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 05/04/2008

Lightweight Transactions in SQL Server 2008

Good read which explains updates to SqlClient's System.Transactions in SQL Server 2008 which results...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 05/04/2008

Find Near Routes with Virtual Earth 6.1 & SQL Server 2008

Interesting read about new capabilities in VE 6.1 (such as the return of the complete...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 05/01/2008

I'll be at BarCamp San Diego this Saturday, May 3

It'll be my first time to BarCamp in San Diego (have been at one in LA before). These are fun, very...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 04/28/2008

Search Commands

I am spending quite a bit time using good old Word these days (writing the book). So, what's new...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 04/28/2008

Live Mesh Launched

Geoff blogged about it. Also c10 video - interesting stuff. Are you on the beta yet? Hands on with...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 04/24/2008

Michael B. Oren - "Power, Faith, and Fantasy"

A good read. Eloquent writing and interesting history. I've just started this one, but am quite...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 04/22/2008

The Mystery of MDX

As I am 'writing along' I am becoming reacquainted with an old friend - MDX (Multi-dimensional...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 04/21/2008

Heroes Happen Here Launch in Second Life -- April 26th, 2008

Although Second Life is one place that I haven't spent any time (yet!), my buddy and fellow...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 04/19/2008

SQL Server 2008 Data Mining

Here's the deck from the talk I gave to the user group tonight. It includes information about Data...

Author: lynnlangit Date: 04/17/2008

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