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Shopping with Concierge

Integrated into the shopping cart handle, Concierge is an interactive touch-screen computer that uses a wireless in-store network to improves customers' shopping experience. The solution claims to boost store loyalty, facilitate up-sell and gather invaluable data on customer behavior. Concierge features interesting capabilities such as the ability to scan loyalty cards and personalize the customers experience; scan products as they are placed in the cart; self checkout; in-store cart tracking to monitor the location of each cart in the store (this is great for analyzing customer behavior); dynamic advertising; store directory and maps to help customers find items on their shopping lists; interactive shopping lists; recipes. Click for details

8.4" Digital LCD/Touch Screen
MIPS-Based 500 MHz Processor
512 MB RAM
2 GB NAND Flash
256 MB NOR Flash
802.11g Wi-Fi
Integrated Barcode Scanner
10 Hour Battery Pack
UV Protection, Abrasion, Scratch, and Gouge Resistant

Microsoft Embedded Windows CE 5.0
Macromedia Flash Player v6.0
HTML Customizable User Interface
Proprietary C++ Applications