Windows Live Help Center
Looking for help on Windows live then you may want to check out the Windows Live Help Center
It covers help for all the Windows Live products such as Hotmail, Messenger, Skydrive etc.
As well as issues such as recovering a hacked account, forgotten passwords, installation issues, family safety, photos and blogging etc.
Technorati Tags: Windows Live,Hotmail,Skydrive,Messenger
May 15, 2011
i'm having technical trouble accessing scrabble on my windows home edition windows 7 p.c. i've temporarily accessed a trial on orbit;but thereafter i'm lostAnonymous
May 15, 2011
Hi Peter - do you have any more information abotu exactly what you are doing and which program. robAnonymous
May 18, 2011
Im using windows xp and for some reason my documents folder only has files up to the letter F. Eveything else is trunkated or missing. When I save a document to my documents if its anything greater to letter F its not there? Help!Anonymous
May 18, 2011
Scott - that is very odd one have you made sure all your PC is up to date and has no viruses etc robAnonymous
June 22, 2011
can i use <a href="">Windows Live Help</a> if im using Windows XP? or does this come with vista and windows 7?Anonymous
June 23, 2011
dan - ye sthere is an xp version robAnonymous
July 20, 2011
Hi I lost my edit and copy function somehow on windows live e-mail can you advise how to get it back thanks.Anonymous
October 11, 2011
my email hilmimurad@hotmail is blocked , can you guide me how to recover or can you assist me to add all incoming & all mail to my second email account hilmi222@hotmail.account its been 8 days , sent 4 messages but no reply at all regards hilmiAnonymous
October 11, 2011
Hi Hilmi - who have you been sending messages too? have you been through the process at robAnonymous
February 04, 2012
Recently l have learned that my hotmail account has been blocked because someone may of broken into my account, l have since then upgraded my security but would like my e mail reopened since it has been 2 days now and l rely primarlily threw this e mail addy. l dont want to change my password if l dont have to. l sent an alternative e mail addy to hotmail but have had no what do l do?Anonymous
February 06, 2012
Opie - if your accoutn has been hacked you should really change your password assme you have read
June 14, 2012
I would like to know if there is a way to delete a bunch of emails at once in Windows live. ThanksAnonymous
July 09, 2012
Cecile - are you sing the mail client or Hotmail via the website robAnonymous
April 24, 2013
I tried to set up my windows live account. I closed the Microsoft Account in error. Now when I go back in to set the account up again,I get an error,saying my account doesn't exist. When I try to set up the account,I get a message that my gmail account is not available. can you give me directions on how to get it reset up? please help.Anonymous
April 28, 2013
Hi Bev - sorry can you explain exactly what you did, as I ma not clearAnonymous
July 01, 2013
when i connect a modem on my windows 8 pc, a large amount of internet is being use by the live tiles. i want to turn them off permanently..please help asap..Anonymous
July 08, 2013
Hi Tamn - I think you will have to do it on each tile... 1.Swipe down on or right-click the tile you want to change. 2.Tap or click Turn live tile on or Turn live tile off to change its setting. robAnonymous
July 23, 2013
my Win7 Windows live email fails to send out my email.Anonymous
July 23, 2013
rbeck9448 - do you have anymore details, any specific error message, what os etc etcAnonymous
July 29, 2013
hi, my hotmail account was hacked how can i recover it