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"Welcome to Microsoft Office Labs!

This site is a proving ground for ideas that come from regular employees and interns who work anywhere in Microsoft.  Most of the code prototypes are developed by the Office Labs team in partnership with the teams that make the products.  After all, they produce most of the ideas. Some of the things you find here will be web-based, others are downloads.  Some will be a combination, something we call "software + services."

The prototypes you see here are like "Concept Cars".  They aren't products or features of Microsoft Office.  Don't expect them to work perfectly, or be available here forever.  Just as when a concept car is shown at an auto-show, one or two or none of the ideas shown might make it into a future vehicle.  Everybody knows its unpredictable, so don't go off thinking this is some kind of preview for future versions of Office, ok?  Anyway, we thought it would be interesting to present some ideas we are exploring.



(Good spot by Frank)
