M3 Sweatt's blog
Thoughts on time, technology, products and services at Microsoft
Seth Godin and the impact of compromising
As you enjoy your long weekend in the States, something to think about in this post from seth godin...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 09/01/2006
Huh? Mary Jo Foley quotes corporate user: "Vista will NEVER run on a $1000 PC"
Mary Jo Foley has an article on eweek today... "I think Microsoft may have a tougher time making the...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 09/01/2006
Link: Ro Parra at Dell talks about the customer experience
Ro Parra is senior vice president for Dell's Home and Small Business Group. Today on the Direct2dell...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 09/01/2006
Past blast: Peter Davidson on Being a Good Customer
I was thinking about a recent post on how to complain (and get results), and took a jaunt over to...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 09/01/2006
Link: Using the Xbox 360 for music, movies, pictures and more
Over the weekend I talked about From the Expert Zone: Xbox 360 as a Media Center Extender. A quick...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/31/2006
Disney: Free Net TV nets "37 million downloads, 1 million visitors a day, 1.5 billion page views"
Last week, CNET News reported that Anne Sweeney, president of the Disney-ABC Television Group, said...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/30/2006
InfoWorld: "Microsoft playing catch-up on Webifying everything"
In InfoWorld Daily today there's a TechWatch post from Mike Barton (in TechWatch) on the Windows...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/30/2006
Of interest: Tips for Buying a Car
Sean blogs yesterday about Top 10 Tips for Buying a New Car (and in under 3 hours door to door)....
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/29/2006
Mike Nash on Securing your Small Business
MikeNash Nash presented an on-demand webcast for the Small Business Summit this past March, and...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/29/2006
Businesses call you with Windows Live Call Beta
Talk about being slow to the game... you know you missed the press release when your eight year old...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/28/2006
From the Expert Zone: Xbox 360 as a Media Center Extender
Got a call this weekend from friends who finally took the plunge and brought home a new Xbox 360....
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/28/2006
Help on making movies with Movie Maker 2
Alfred Thompson blogged today about this "how to" video on YouTube (nod of thanks to Alex's blog)...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/26/2006
Nettwerk's Terry McBride on ProTools mash ups
I got a kick out of this interview -- Canada's Killer of Major Labels in Wired -- with Nettwerk's...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/25/2006
Pluto's out: will Rhode Island be designated a "dwarf state"? (Friday humour)
As was widely reported, the International Astronomical Union voted to remove Pluto's designation as...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/25/2006
Where are your files archived? Is "Live Drive" coming soon?
A few months ago I was lamenting and thinking of an easy-to-use, online storage in the cloud...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/25/2006
Comments turned off
I'm turning off the comments on my blog for the weekend do to a slew of inappropriate comments.
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/25/2006
Update: IVR Cheat Sheet is now the "gethuman database"
A few months ago I wrote about Paul English's IVR Cheat Sheet, which is a great resource for getting...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/24/2006
Lewis Black on Poor Customer Service
In this month's Fast Company, there's an article with comedian Lewis Black and his experiences as a...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/23/2006
IFPI: Record companies spend more on R&D than software companies
I received a note this summer regarding my post on digital music sales earlier this year: they noted...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/19/2006
Friday Link: Rick Mercer's "Talking to Americans"
Leave it to boingboing to bring us a post on Rick Mercer's CBC special, "Talking to Americans." Rick...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/19/2006
LifeCam support and online KB articles
I received a notice that the LifeCam VX-3000 should arrive today. I ordered the VX-3000 as I don't...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/18/2006
THG on Tech Support: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
From Mobilityguru on Tom's HW Guide, an interesting collection of Customer Tech Support Stories...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/17/2006
New Study Results: PCs rate lower than other CE products
News.com reported today that the the University of Michigan released their latest update to the...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/16/2006
Eating Dogfood with Energizer, link to case study
We often talk about the importance of eating our own dogfood. See this article from News.Com on...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/14/2006
Correction: Media Center up to 14M units
With respect to my post today re: Slate on "The Myth of the Living-Room PC" I was sent a note via...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/11/2006
Friday Humour: Star Trek Inspirational Posters
You've heard their renditions of "Mr. Tambourine Man" and "Gentle on My Mind" on The Best of Leonard...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/11/2006
Peter Cullen on balancing Internet privacy with safety
Today the Seattle PI Seattle PI Newspaper has an article that includes a few words of wisdon from...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/11/2006
TWICE reports Zune for $299 in three colours
In TWICE today, the magazine reports that the first, new Zune players will be available this fall in...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/11/2006
Of interest for fliers: New FAQ from the TSA
Courtesy of Slate.com, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has updated their FAQs for...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/11/2006
Slate on "The Myth of the Living-Room PC"
Thanks for the IM with the article in Slate this week on "The Myth of the Living-Room PC." From the...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/11/2006
Test your Internet Connection Speed on MSN
MSN Tech & Gadgets (in conjunction with CNET) has a page set to test your internet connection on...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/10/2006
Wireless LAN API via Microsoft Connect
Quick note... I have seen at least a dozen requests over the last few days related to the Wireless...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/09/2006
Microsoft security updates for Aug '06
Updates for August are noew available here, on the Microsoft security update bulletins site. Other...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/09/2006
Blog links: Apple's WWDC '06 keynote
Thanks for the link to a friend this am to Xeni's coverage yesterday of the Apple WWDC06 in San...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/08/2006
HD DVD drive for Xbox 360 at DVD Forum
This week in LA, Kevin Collins from MS showed off HD DVD drive for Xbox 360 at the at the DVD Forum....
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/08/2006
LifeCams: Windows Messenger Live cameras
A new section in the MS Hardware section of our web site today: all about digital communications...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/08/2006
In Wired: Be your own digital DJ
With apologies to Beck, Eliot Van Buskirk at Wired has an article "Two MP3s and a Microphone" which...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/08/2006
For fun: Blue Angels over Lake Washington today
There's something about some high-powered aircraft buzzing a couple of hundred feet over your house,...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/07/2006
How to complain (and get results)
Thanks to the associate who sent the link this morning to the article in today's Seattle Times,...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/05/2006
Gotta problem with your Mac? Email Steve Jobs
In his post this week "When bad customer service turns good," Ted Lee highlights how when he sent...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/05/2006
Friday link: Slate on the coolest coolers
A blast from the past (ok, July 4th), as the heat wave is keeping it hotter than ever in many cities...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/05/2006
Managing podcasts: Marc Mercuri's InfoCenter
Microsoft Watch has an article today on Marc Mercuri's information-aggregator, Information Center,...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/04/2006
Link: Geoffrey Moore interview: innovation alone is not enough
Of interest: a new interview in Innovations magazine with Geoffrey Moore (author of Crossing the...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/03/2006
David Pogue on how great customer service breeds loyalty
Generally, I like what David Pogue has to say. Today in his daily mail he covers "Business 101:...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/03/2006
Of interest & Links: FAS' intern site on Preparing for a disaster
Last year I blogged about being prepared for a disaster. Tonight a reader sent me a link to on...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/03/2006