M3 Sweatt's blog
Thoughts on time, technology, products and services at Microsoft
Halo 3 Heroic Map Pack Now Available on Xbox Live for Free
Just as I (finally!) near the point of completing Halo 3 on Heroic, I learn that the add-on Heroic...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/26/2008
Connecting customers with product teams, via Microsoft Connect
Yesterday I posted how the Dynamics team listens to the voice of the customer, with Speak Your Mind....
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/25/2008
Your questions: is there free support for Windows Vista SP1 installation? In a word, yes
I woke up today and logged on to mail to find not one or two messages, but more than a few questions...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/24/2008
Speak Your Mind: Dynamics hears the voice of the customer, with video, too
As I posted yesterday in Hearing the voice of the customer- learning how to listen and respond, I...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/23/2008
Hearing the voice of the customer: learning how to listen and respond
Before we prepared lunch for the kids yesterday, I was forwarded an article from Advertising Age...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/23/2008
Sony offers customers a way to "opt out" of trial ware and applications on new TZ notebook PCs for free
Breaking: Sony Won't Charge $50 To Remove Bloatware | Gadget Lab from Wired.com Peter Sayer of...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/22/2008
Your questions: "How do I get the new Service Pack for Windows Vista?"
I was asked this week via email from my blog... "SP1 is available now. What's the best way to...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/22/2008
It's really official: Windows Vista SP1 Available on Windows Update
Now it's really official. And not just on Amazon.com... ;) As noted this morning by Nick on the...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/18/2008
Unsolicited business proposals to Microsoft: there is a way
My friend, Sean, has a post from January on how he's not feelin' the love so much from McDonald's,...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/18/2008
It's official: Vista SP1 to be available tomorrow (Tuesday, March 18)
Thanks to a confirmation on Computerworld, Gregg Keizer writes that the release of Windows Vista SP1...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/17/2008
The fine art of complaining
It's a weekend of "learning how to complain" stories. Do I sense a trend? In my post on Get some...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/16/2008
Dell's CIO on improving customer service
Don Tennant of ComputerWorld has an interview this week with Steve Schuckenbrock of Dell Computer in...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/15/2008
Get some satisfaction: article notes that "complaints can pay off with several basic steps"
NJ.com (The Times site) has an article this week, How to Get Some Satisfaction Customer complaints...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/14/2008
Your questions: "How do I get updates to DST and time zone updates and alerts?"
Related to the regular updates made to our pages on time, Steven asked this week... "Is there...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/08/2008
Turning up the volume... on blog comments
Last November, I noted that I turned down the spam comments on my blog, limiting the time to post...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/08/2008
Steve Ballmer and Guy Kawasaki live at Mix08, with links to the video to prove it
Of interest today from MIX '08 is this coverage in the Seattle Times of the interview with Steve...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/07/2008
It's Time To Spring Forward An Hour in the US and Canada: Daylight Saving Time Arrives Sunday
Brace yourselves... it's that time again. That's right: it's the start of Daylight Saving Time in...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/07/2008
Guitarist Jeff Healey Dies at 41 - MSN Music News
Sad news. Canuck guitarist Jeff Healey passed away. For more on this incredible artist, see his...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/03/2008
Leap year programming questions
I received two notes on this happy leap day that there was a problem someone was having in with...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 02/29/2008
Of interest: Forbes coverage of the Microsoft-Yahoo! saga
Forbes offers the The Yahoo! Deal coverage on Microsoft's bid for Yahoo!. "Analysis in text and...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 02/24/2008
Is the Microsoft Wireless Entertainment Desktop 8000 too much? It depends...
Last year I posted an entry on how to choose the best computer which included an article by Mike...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 02/23/2008
Zunes as seen by a child: "They're a type of iPod... just bigger"
Out of the mouths of babes, or in this case our soon-to-be seven year old son. Over dinner I...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 02/15/2008
It's real: the Netflix survey to gauge interest in streaming movies via Xbox Live
With all the talk this weekend of HD-DVD (as Reuters noted this weekend) and that main supported...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 02/15/2008
Windows Vista SP1 Update now available to MSDN, TechNet subscribers, with download links
As noted on the MSDN Subscriptions WebLog and TechNet Plus... the Windows Vista SP1 update is now...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 02/14/2008
PC Magazine: Phony e-card site serves up malware
A quick note before lunch... per PCMAG today... there are a number of phony electronic cards being...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 02/14/2008
"You got to know when to hold 'em..." and what to fold into great customer service systems
With a tip of the hat to Kenny Rogers 1979 hit, of interest is this article a friend shared with me...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 02/13/2008
Microsoft's Danger-ous purchase
In the news today, one dangerous acquisition was approved: Microsoft is buying Danger. Robbie Bach...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 02/11/2008
Friday Link: Fox's 10 Best Super Bowl commercials
It's the return of my Friday Link faourite, a humourous URL of the week for Friday viewing. But on a...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 02/09/2008
How long will it take to feed 25 million pages through an ADF? Live Search Books at the British Library
And I thought that it was a chore to digitize our papers at home... that's nothing as compared to...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 02/05/2008
Seven Years and Seven Habits...
A lot can happen in seven years. Nice to receive a cake, as it were... I received several notes and...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 01/31/2008
Your questions: "when should I use Sleep and Hibernate modes on Windows?"
I get the question a lot on sleep vs. hibernate (and as noted in a recent post), and it came up...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 01/31/2008
News: Dell closes all of their retail stores
The news is buzzing with Dell's announcement to close their retail kiosks... "As Dell's Global...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 01/31/2008
News: Nanotech may improve battery life 10x
This isn't hot news, but it is news, finding its way to my mailbox today. Alex Serpo at CNET reports...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 01/31/2008
Of interest: Windows Vista isn't just blue, it now comes in (red)
You may be used to seeing the Windows Vista user experience in a shade of blue. (Well, it looks...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 01/24/2008
Your questions: "what's the next craft project with your kids?" In a word, it's RetroDog
Had lunch with my friend, Angela, from the MOSS team last week, and she remembered the Halo-ween...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 01/21/2008
Windows Home Server is a "top pick" at CES (BusinessWeek)
BusinessWeek has a short photo overview of their top product picks from CES... PC-to-TV is starting...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 01/19/2008