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A Freaky Microsoft Dynamics CRM Blog

Live and direct from California!

Map this please...

I have been receiving a lot of emails and questions how you could add extra attributes when you...

Author: mennotk Date: 03/10/2006

Origami at last...

Microsoft launched the Origami today. It is an UMPC device and this means Ultra-Mobile PCWhat Is the...

Author: mennotk Date: 03/09/2006

Is this an Origami?

Well I am as curious as you all outhere. I happend to read today and they had screenshots...

Author: mennotk Date: 03/08/2006

Work offline and keep everybody happy?

Always wanted to know how you can do sales on the road? In other words working at the time and place...

Author: mennotk Date: 03/08/2006

Feature of the month - Custom Entities

FEATURE OF THE MONTH - Custom Entities - Why is this feature cool? Custom entities can be added to...

Author: mennotk Date: 03/08/2006

Feature of the month intro

Before everybody is going to scream and shout at me (Ben? LOL) I want to let you all know that I got...

Author: mennotk Date: 03/08/2006

Give me ideas, feedback and more (part 2)

Ok I have seen some statistic info about my blog. It seems that I have managed to create a well...

Author: mennotk Date: 03/07/2006

Outlook, web or both?

Many people have asked me if i could tell them the diffferences between the Webclient and the...

Author: mennotk Date: 03/07/2006

10 ways to save money with MS CRM 3.0 (SBS)

Ok a great article about why Microsoft CRM 3.0 can save you money. See the full story at the...

Author: mennotk Date: 03/07/2006

Using Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 without Microsoft Exchange Server (Part 2)

I want to post this for all people that don't read the IG, whitepapers etc and still ask questions...

Author: mennotk Date: 03/01/2006

Convergence i come!

I almost forgot but when I read the blog of Philip Richardson, a program manager of Microsoft CRM,...

Author: mennotk Date: 03/01/2006

DMF....whats in the package?

Since I posted my item on the DMF 3.0 this morning I seem to get alot of questions on this and I...

Author: mennotk Date: 03/01/2006

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 Data Migration Pack Has Shipped!!

This appeared in my inbox this morning.........Data sharks around the world need not fear any...

Author: mennotk Date: 03/01/2006

Using Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 without Microsoft Exchange Server

I got this question a lot from partners and customers. Eventhough i would always suggest using...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/28/2006

Today's word: Workflow

The word (yes NO acronym) for today is:WorkflowThe automation of a process or series of processes...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/27/2006

Get a second chance for free!

Today my eye felt on an article from the Learning Center explaining about a nice offer you can't...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/26/2006

Give me feedback, ideas and more...

I would like to make a little item on getting feedback, ideas and what else you want to share with...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/26/2006

Is this the Origami project?

I was surfing today and bumped into lots of speculations about the Orgami project which is going to...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/26/2006

Hmm who can tell me what it is?

I would like to find out what this Origami project is. Who can tell me more?Take a look at the...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/24/2006

My Installation fails, now what? (Part 3)

As said yesterday i would post the tracing settings for the Microsoft CRM Client.Warning If you use...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/24/2006

Today's word: ROI

The word for today is:ROI - Return on InvestmentThe calculation of how much money will be saved or...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/24/2006

My installation fails, now what? (part 2)

As i said yesterday, I would post a follow up with information about tracing. Today i will show you...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/23/2006

Form Based Quotes Orders and Invoices

I just got this information about new reports. There are a new set of Quote, Order and Invoice...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/23/2006

HELP! I have lost my email....

I have been getting lately the same questions from partners and customers about loosing email when...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/22/2006

My installation fails, now what? (part 1)

I want to introduce you to the world of logfiles and the possibility to trace when your installation...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/22/2006

Today's word: CRM

As of today i will try to post a new word every day, week or month. It's always a word used in ICT....

Author: mennotk Date: 02/22/2006

Problems when you want to register Microsoft CRM

A lot of customers are using ISA server 2004 these days. I have noticed that when customers that are...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/21/2006

Joriz Kalz has updated his Desktop Search integration for Microsoft CRM 3.0. This is a great way to...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/21/2006

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 demos

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 provides powerful, familiar tools for sales, marketing, and customer...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/21/2006

How to change the 5MB attachment limitation

I have gotten a lot of questions about the 5 MB attachment limitation within Microsoft CRM. Yes this...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/21/2006

Snap....not Schnie Schna Shnappy Shnap

Microsoft Launches Microsoft Dynamics Snap, New Collection of Software Programs that Snap into...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/20/2006

Eventhough this is completely off-topic, but i wanted to let you guys know that MSN Search has new...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/16/2006

Online Microsoft Dynamics CRM Demo's

Ben Vollmer has a great article about the Online Microsoft CRM 3.0 Demo's:...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/07/2006

My CRM Philosophy...

Relationmanagement, a strategy or vision? The reasons for businesses to choose for a CRM solution is...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/05/2006

Installing Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 Client silently

The steps in the IG say to use the following syntax:msiexec /q /l c:\clientinstall.txt Client.msi...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/05/2006

Error c0070005?

Ok this is really off-topic but i couldnt resist myself putting it up here. Ill describe it...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/26/2006

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 ITK?

With all the information i got untill now it seems that there will be no new ITK for Microsoft CRM...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/23/2006

Small Notice from Seattle Airport

I wanted to let you guys know that i passed my CRM exams in a rainy but nice Seattle :) ยท Microsoft...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/14/2006

Microsoft CRM Dynamics 3.0 Dutch / NL

Since this morning the Dutch version of Microsoft CRM 3.0 is available on MSDN.Happy downloading!!!

Author: mennotk Date: 01/06/2006

Microsoft SQL Reporting Services (SSRS)

You might think what is this item about Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services doing on a Blog...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/03/2006

Microsoft CRM 3.0 and SQL Clustering...

So who can tell me what clustering is? Who can tell me which types of clustering there are for SQL,...

Author: mennotk Date: 12/30/2005

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 Mobile continued......?

Looking at all the hits, requests and emails on my item about Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 Mobile i...

Author: mennotk Date: 12/26/2005

Merry Xmas and a Happy New CRM :)

Thank you for all those uplifting emails and peptalks. I will continue posting on this freaky blog....

Author: mennotk Date: 12/24/2005

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 Mobile

Introduction: CRM Mobile is a mobile client for Microsoft CRM 3.0 and it is NOT released as of...

Author: mennotk Date: 12/22/2005

Create a Microsoft CRM 3.0 Dashboard...

Inspired by a great HOL made by John I got into Sharepoint Services and making dashboards for...

Author: mennotk Date: 12/21/2005

Microsoft CRM Laptop Client installation issues......

As the title says, this is going to be a freaky Blog and I think this is example number 1 that I am...

Author: mennotk Date: 12/21/2005

PreCache Tool for Microsoft CRM

I just found a really cool utility to speed up Microsoft CRM. Even though Microsoft CRM is using...

Author: mennotk Date: 12/21/2005

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