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Veni, Vidi, Velcro...

(I came, I saw, I got stuck!)

Meebo rooms -I'm lovin it!

Gotta love Web2.0 - It just makes your life so darn simple! I created this chat widget in less than...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 09/14/2007

The Ultimate Steal deal...

Tomorrow, September 12 is the launch of the Ultimate Steal for Office 2007. This is only for College...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 09/11/2007

Aicha - Outlandish...

I am just unable to get this song out of my head! It's so melodious! It's sung by Isam Bachiri...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 09/10/2007

It's here, now...

No, I am not talking about the iPod touch! I am talking about Microsoft's Silverlight :) While the...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 09/05/2007

Free IIS 7 Hosting...

If you want to take IIS7 for a spin, this is a really, really good (well, free!!) offer:...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 09/02/2007

Halo 3 preview on HD

This is one of the coolest videos I've seen...and this is a good indicator of the things to come in...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 08/28/2007

What is Tafiti?

Well, Tafiti in Swahili means 'Do Research'! But at Microsoft, it's just another code name for the...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 08/21/2007


Some days, I love more than others! And today is one of those days…not just because it’s a Friday...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 08/18/2007

Flash/Flex vs Silverlight...

I was cleaning up my inbox earlier today and came across this awesome slide that highlights the key...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 08/16/2007

I am usually not a big fan of marketing collateral but this Whirlything is really really awesome! We...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 08/15/2007

Great memory deal...

Thank God, I wasn't alive to see these days... -Mithun Dhar Technorati tags: Memory deal, ad, funny

Author: MithunDhar Date: 08/14/2007

Resources for MSDN Events - LINQ, WCF, Silverlight

Technorati tags: Resources, MSDN events, Portland MSDN Event, WCF, LINQ, Silverlight Thanks for...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 08/13/2007

Spot me if you can...

Very cool! -Mithun Dhar

Author: MithunDhar Date: 08/10/2007

Channel 8 is now Live!

Channel 8 is live! Channel 8, a video/blog portal focused on technical students, went live on July...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 08/08/2007

Peek inside the Space Shuttle, Courtesy - Microsoft Photosynth

Microsoft Offers 3-D Look at Space Shuttle NASA is using Microsoft's Photosynth photo-presentation...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 08/06/2007

VS Live 2007 dates and venues announced...

Register by the Early Bird deadlines to take advantage of available VSLive savings. Hurry—spaces are...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 08/06/2007

VSTO Resources...

I just came across this mail on one of my DL's, and I think it's an awesome compile of all the VSTO...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 08/01/2007

Geek Speak with Mick Badran....

I am super excited to be co-hosting with Lynn Langit in tomorrow’s (Aug 1st) Geek Speak show. Tune...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 08/01/2007

New Office Communications Server 2007 Virtual labs released...

Check out the Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Virtual Labs. Experiment with the newest...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 07/30/2007

Hackers take over security firm, courtesy iPhone flaw...

A recent demo at Blackhat shows that the iPhone is prone to being attacked a lot more than expected!...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 07/23/2007

Top 10 cell phones & PDA's...

Four of the top 10 cell phones & PDA's are running Windows this any indication? :)...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 07/22/2007

'Global village'

Have you ever wondered why they use the term 'Global Village' or a 'Shrinking world'? It's because,...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 07/18/2007

MSDN Events in Aug/Sep 2007 - LINQ, Silverlight and WCF...

We are back on the road with lots more cool stuff to talk and show you guys! Register HERE for a...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 07/16/2007

68 iPhone bugs, and counting...

While I have immense love for Apple and it's products, my adulation for iPhone is yet to come! I...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 07/16/2007

Visual Studio 2008, SQL Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 to be launched on Feb 27

We finally announced the Launch of our three big products...VS 2008 (Code name: Oracs), WS 2008...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 07/10/2007

Microsoft opens shop in Vancouver, BC

If you haven't been to Vancouver, BC you really haven't been to a real cool city in NA. Well, unless...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 07/06/2007

Xbox Warranty coverage expanded to 3 years...

Well, you complained and we listened! Off late, I've been reading a lot of articles about the...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 07/05/2007

Office 2007...

If I had a penny every time someone told me the new Office (Office 2007) wasn't cool, I'd have two...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 07/01/2007

Every apple employee get's an iPhone, Charity begins at home...

Steve Job's is not the richest man in the world nor is his company the biggest/richest company in...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 06/29/2007

Ad wars are always entertaining...

I don't usually post fishy news, especially forwards without verifying! And, I didn't find anything...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 06/27/2007

Size does matter...

Wall street knows it, New Yorkers know it, the makers of Godzilla know it, the makers and takers of...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 06/25/2007

Free Silverlight tutorials...

If you’re not getting enough of Silverlight already, you might want to take a close look at...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 06/22/2007

This is Sparta! chuckle chuckle

A colleague of mine just sent me this funny pic! :)) It'll make a lot of sense if you have seen the...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 06/21/2007

Microsoft Response point from our research labs!

If there was a geek heaven on planet earth – It’d have to be Microsoft Research! I just love this...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 06/18/2007

I (heart)

Creativeness knows no bounds! And, no e-commerce site is more creative than thinkgeek! If you are a...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 06/16/2007

Bill Gates goes back to School...

“I've been waiting for more than 30 years to say this: Dad, I always told you I'd come back and get...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 06/12/2007

CardSpace books written by my colleagues...

Finally, here’s a great book about CardSpace written by the my colleagues Vittorio Bertocci, Garrett...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 06/11/2007

To love or to be loved?

Epiphany’s often occur out of the purple! You just have this aha-ah! Moment and you realize that the...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 06/11/2007

Resources for the presentation done at Nashua, NH

Thanks everyone for coming to today's event at Nashua, NH! I had a wonderful time presenting! Many...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 06/05/2007

Are you type ENTP?

If you are familiar with C G Jung's personality types you already know what this is about! Just now,...

Author: MithunDhar Date: 06/02/2007

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