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A life just ordinary!

Wake up at 11:30AM

Get ready meet up friends at 1:00 PM

Go test drive a car 2:00 PM

Meet more friends and get some lunch at 3:30 PM

Get back home and go for a nice long walk at 5:00 PM

Take a nice long nap from 6:30 to 8:00 PM

Heat and eat some good dinner at 8:30 PM

Calls from friends start pouring in, Go to a club or go to this brand new lounge, or go to a hindi movie or go play board games at a friend’s place! Btw, 8:30 and 9:10 PM

Take control, Make my own plan – Call friends – go do what I love most – Get coffee, talk a lot and go watch a movie! 9:45PM to 2:50 AM

Talk more, get back home and write a blog entry! 2:55AM to _ :_ _ AM

A weekend of absolute nothingness! It was sorta nice all I did this weekend was eat, sleep, watch a movie and test drive a car! Nothing on my mind, nothing in my heart! Coldness! Emptyness!

That’s when you start wondering if this is really what people call – bliss! If it is, I really don’t want any of it.

Normal is boring! There’s got to be pace, lots of it! Let’s see how tomorrow pans out…



We all die! The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.



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