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Strange things people do...

I'm in a little bit of a rush to get to the MSN office in London as I'm attending a user group meeting there tonight; Ian Griffiths will be talking about C# 3.0. I just wanted to post a couple of links I was shown last night by my girlfriend. They made me think.

What did they make me think? How about:

  • How do people come up with this stuff?
  • Why don't I come up with stuff like this?
  • If I did come up with stuff like this would it make me good money?
  • I hope those cats are rated at those sort of poundages
  • Shouldn't they find something better to with their time?

However after that last one I realised I'd just spent an inordinate amount of time writing a gadget and then probably even more time trying to get the code in my blog entry about it to format correctly. I, of all people, am in no position to judge....