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Off to Mix07

I know I'm lucky - I'm flying out to Vegas tomorrow morning for Mix 07. If you're not going to be there (and I guess that applies to most people ) keep an eye on the Mix home page as it looks like keynotes and even sessions may be streamed / available for download. No confirmation of that but it's certainly suggested in the blurb. All the Mix 06 sessions were (are?) available for download so I'm hoping we'll see the same for Mix 07.

MikeT's been trying to convince me to go and see Prince but these people write like they're typing a text message (or they're 5 years old) so that's put me right off. That and the fact I think Prince is, well, odd. Not genius odd. Just plain odd. Daniel's trying to convince me to go and see Penn and Teller tomorrow night but my feet are still killing me from the Marathon so I'm not so sure. And 10 hours on a plane is not something I'm looking forward to. Sorry fellow passengers, those shoes are coming off. And if you accidentally tread on my toes, expect to be alarmed by the response. It's not going to be pretty...

It's going to be fun I'm sure. I was even thinking of hiring a Harley for the day on Sunday. But never having been to Vegas before I'll probably be satisfied with the many natural wonders on display. My room, for example, is supposed to have a view of a volcano... I can't wait!

Technorati tags: mix07