I have an allotment
Yes, I'd like to come clean. The parish council have just given me the good news and I've handed over £16 and signed a lease. I am, as of yesterday, an allotment holder. What is perhaps most worrying is that I'm excited about it. The site is "roughly 5 poles" in size and looks a bit like this (plan view):
If grey is the new black, allotments are the new extreme sports.
May 23, 2007
You need to ge a "Can-o-worms" and use it to rapidly compost any vegetable waste you have - the resulting soil is excellent for tomatoes (Home grown tomatoes being probably the most exquisite thing on this planet)Anonymous
May 23, 2007
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May 23, 2007
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May 23, 2007
I'd been considering getting an allotment for a while - there are some available just down the road from my I hear. Looking forward to hearing how yours progresses. If you hurry Mike, www.extremeallotments.com and www.allotmentcam.com both still appear to be available (for some strange reason :-) ) DougAnonymous
May 23, 2007
Top Tip: The waste runoff from the can-o-worms makes excellent liquid fertilzer!Anonymous
May 24, 2007
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May 25, 2007
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June 11, 2007
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