Silverlight, Matt's new toy!!!!
Okay folks I have arrived, I have learned how publish with Silverlight, so the post I did today on MOSS: Screencast: How To Install Office Sharepoint Server 2007 on Windows Server 2008 I can now offer streaming with Silverlight!!!! Click on play to take a look!
Which do you like better? Silverlight or media player?
[UPDATE: Adjusted the size, still learning :-) Also Thank you for the feedback, I have several planned screencasts and I will offer media player and silverlight!]
February 16, 2008
I like Media Player better, because i then can use the screencast even when my machine is offline.Anonymous
February 16, 2008
Media Player. I can view on every computer, even on computers that don't have Silverlight installed. RegardsAnonymous
February 16, 2008
This sound good. I think this is the best way to do if it's possible. Thank youAnonymous
February 16, 2008
how do you expand the size those screencasts? I can barely view them?Anonymous
February 16, 2008
If you double click the Silverlight player, it will fo full screen.Anonymous
February 16, 2008
thx, Keith do oh, I guess I should have tried that instead of right click