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Twouble twying to Twitter?

Web 2.0.  Social Bookmarking.  Social internetworking. 

I finally have some "downtime" (translation: I'm not traveling.  I'm working from home.  And I don't have any pressingly urgent events to gear up for at the moment), so I thought I'd try out some of the cool ways people are communicating and keeping-tabs with each other online.

MySpace?  Yep.. I set that up so I could be a "friend" to my sons.  I'm not sure they really wanted me as a friend, but it was a requirement of them having a My Space account.

Facebook?  Yep.  I set that up after I learned that my boys found out that there was this other site that Dad wasn't yet on.  Plus, I started getting many more requests for associations there than I was on MySpace.  Many of my coworkers are also there.

Linked-In?  Sure.  I've been on this one longer than any other.  But recently I discovered a lot of my former coworkers are also there - so I'm keeping connected with old friends and associates that way.

SecondLife?  Why not.  I have a couple of coworkers (Chris Avis and Zain Nablouski) who actually hosted one of our "Heroes Happen { here }" Launch events completely online on their own island.  I currently haven't done much with it.  I'm easy to spot, though.  I'm the guy with dark hair and a white t-shirt.

Twitter?  Yeah.. I just joined this one today.  Got a little concerned, though, when I got this


I guess they're all twitterpated.  It's springtime, after all...

But it eventually worked.  Go ahead... follow me.  Just try and keep up.  (smile)

What's your favorite? How can I follow you?


  • Anonymous
    May 29, 2008
    Hey Kevin, I just wrote a bit about twitter and what I thought (and didn't think) about the serivce. Thought you'd want another perspective from a fellow Microsoftie. Hunter

  • Anonymous
    May 29, 2008
    Love it!  Yeah.. I'm feeling old, too.  These might end up being more of a time-sink than something worthwhile. Ah well... we'll give it a little time.  It might be fun to keep connected while I'm at TechEd. -Kevin