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SQL Server 2005 Tidbit 007

SQL Server 2005 Tidbit 007

Happy SQL People

Number 7 comin’ atcha!

This tidbit comes as a result of a question an attendee from one one of our live TechNet Events emailed me.

"Can backups, etc, generated from a maintenance plan in Yukon have the same file name instead of a unique name?”

I can't find any information on this specifically, although I know that one of the plan steps you can create is just a T-SQL step, where it launches whatever script you want to launch.  That could be a
 TO DISK = '\MyServerNameBackupsMyDatabaseName.bak'   (or a disk location, or some other defined device)
With options to append or overwrite, etc.

Got an IT question?  Give me a comment, or contact me.