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PDC '05 - Convince Your Boss!

WARNING: The following is targeted at developers. You IT Pros can look away for just a minute.

DEVELOPERS!   The Microsoft Professional Developers Conference 2005 is happening Sept 13–16 in Los Angeles.  You don’t want to miss it. 

“I want to go, but my boss doesn’t see the value. Help me convince him!”

Okay… Will this help?

Convince the Boss!

Click on the picture above to be taken to a form that you can fill out.  Simply enter your name, your title, and your boss’s name, and leave the rest of the fields as their original values, and you’ll get a very meaningful letter. 

Or… Have you ever seen “Mad-Libs”?  Have some fun and change the other words just to see what a fun letter you can generate! 

I am sure I speak for many IT Pros in wishing that we had had this form to convince our bosses of the value of TechEd a few times.