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It's a Big Day

It's a new day for business! Yes indeed.  It's a new day for business.  Today is the day that Windows Vista and the 2007 Office System are officially and for the first time available to business.  Volume License customers... start your engines!

As stated in this PressPass announcement, this is the biggest launch in Microsoft's history; even bigger than the joint Windows 95 / Office 95 launch over 10 years ago. 

"But Kevin... If I'm not buying my software that way, then when can I get Windows Vista or Office?"

General availability is on January 30th. 

Read the article to find out more about what Steve said at the press conference in New York. 

So... what do you think? Is this really the big new wave that will take people (business and home users) to the next level?  

My opinion: I think so.  When I consider what happened after that big launch 10 years ago, and how it really did impact the world and how we use computers... and with a little more understanding of the breadth and depth of the new possibilities that the products launched today will bring people...  Yes.  Definitely.  Searching, sharing, collaborating, communicating intelligently, creating...  It's all good!