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Is my blog dead?

Your Last Post

I sure hope not!  But I have been very bad about posting lately. 

"What on earth have you been doing, Kevin?"

Put plainly - I've been busy.  Very busy.  Too busy.  Busy preparing for and delivering live events and webcasts and podcasts, mostly.  Our team has been asked to do meet some pretty big goals in terms of the number and types of events that we deliver, and I've been fortunate to have had some really great opportunities come my way; so it's been keeping me quite occupied.

I'm not complaining - though I could use a vacation pretty soon.  But I've had a great time in all the cities and with all the IT Pros I've had the pleasure of visiting.

"Will you be blogging again?"

Absolutely.  I am back.  Watch this space.  ..and thank you for your patience with me.