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I'm Making My Mark!


Yes indeed, I'm going to TechEd again! (I've only missed three... and they've been happening since '93!) 

I'm excited! This is always an awesome opportunity to learn and to mingle.. mix it up with geeks like me. 

"Got anything special planned while you're there?"

Well, I'm hoping to do some more video diaries, and this time some podcasting from the event.  Two years ago I shot a lot of video and posted them to my blog.  Last year I had a daily blog diary here, with news and photos. 

(To find these, you can search my blog, or click the TechEd 2005 and TechEd 2006 tags on the left.)  

This year I'll not only be carrying around my video camera, but also some recording gear to do some impromptu interviews for TechNet Radio.  (They provided the gear.. so I feel I owe it to them.)

If you are going, and if you have a blog, you should also consider getting your blog registered at  Add your voice to the community!

So.. are you going? And if so, do you want to meet up for a "Geek Dinner" sometime?