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I want a blog of my own!

Some of you reading this blog may have wondered if you can set up a blog of your own. 

“Well? Can I?”

Yep.  In fact, Tony Northrup (pictured here)

Tony Northruphas written a really useful article explaining quite clearly how easy it is to set up your own blog for FREE using MSN Spaces

Creating your own blog only takes a few clicks 


Create your space, personalize how it looks, upload and share your photos, or just blog blog blog blog blog.

And once you’ve set up your blog, you might also want to share your postings with other IT Pros and join-in on the discussion by signing up and submitting your blog to  That way when you blog about your new really cool idea for scripting new user setup, your post will automagically be pulled via RSS and included in the site.

 Blog on!