I’m very proud to share this. My team mates Chris Henley and Matt Hester have headed up a project to deliver a TV show. The Developers have all that great Channel 9 content, and other team mates of mine on the MSDN side of Microsoft Across America have created The Code Room. Well.. here’s a show of our very own, for the IT Pros!
Click here to go to the official web site, and to watch Episode 1.
“What’s the first episode about?”
The first episode is a very moving one. Matt writes in his blog entry about it:
“The show demonstrates the positive impact of IT and IT Pro’s in the community. This episode is simply fantastic! The show showcases how The Red Cross used technology during the relief efforts during Hurricane Katrina. The show is simply amazing at showing the impact of the work that we do everyday! So, sit back and enjoy!”