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The mouse James Bond would have.

A week or so ago I wrote about daft voices, and I feel like this should be in the voice of Sean Connery. (Which ish eashy to do. You jusht shubstitute mosht of the esshh shoundsh ....) I was given a new Wireless Presenter mouse 8000 - and it seems like one of the Gadgets Q branch come up with in the bond films. We've got some of these to give away as prizes at the roadshow. I didn't know until I talked to Andrew who is responsible for these things that we have 24 different Mice and sell over a million in the UK alone in a year.  What's so special about this one. Well here's how Q would explain it to 007.

Now pay attention. This looks like a perfectly ordinary mouse ...
But there are no Wiresh !

If you'd let me finish was coming to that. It uses Bluetooth, using this little dongle which will connect other devices as well.

On top a normal mouse with two dimensional scroll will and extra buttons for a magnified, but turn it over ...
Extra buttonsh.  

You can use it to move slides forward or back and as a volume control. Concealed in the body is
A lasher beam.

A Laser pointer, so don't try cutting with it. And the whole thing goes in this neat little case so there is no excuse not to bring it back in the condition which you were issued with it.

I'm quite taken with it. You can read more information here. I don't know which Bluetooth profiles it is meant to support but I had it working with my GPS puck in no time.

Bluetooth and GPS would have been science fiction to Connery's Bond. But laser beams weren't.

Do you expect me to talk ?
No Mister Bond, I expect you to Present


Technorati tags: Microsoft, Mice, Presenter Mouse


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I often get asked why I answer all emails sent to me through my blog. Often these mails are not related

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I'm amazed at co-incidences and how often that they happen to me. Often 2 totally unrelated incidents