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Blog and Comment Policy

My Blog Policy

Gray Matter is my personal blog that reflects my personal perspectives. This blog does not necessarily reflect the opinion of my employer or any group with which I am currently affiliated or with which I have been affiliated in the past.

Comment Policy 

I would like to offer some guidelines for types of comments that are appropriate (and more likely to survive the moderation queue) for this blog. I have had rare occasion to delete comments on this blog, although the overwhelming majority of comments, both positive and negative, are shared. I realize that all people do not agree with me, and as one can see in reading various posts, I am happy to entertain opposing views, as all good bloggers should do. There are limits, however. I will not pass through comments that I feel are out of bounds, repetitive or value-free in the context of the discussion at hand.

I'd like to define some of the criteria that I apply when selecting comments to allow through the moderation queue.

  1. Stay on topic and be precise. Generic slurs about my employer or any other company's or individual's behavior are not discussions I am interested in conducting on this blog. I cannot speak for the entire history of my employer or any other company or individual, I can only comment on the matter at hand in my posts.
  2. Don't swear, shout, act like a child, or "throw a wobbly" in the comment.  Making an rational, well-reasoned (and therefore appreciated) point is best done by being rational and well-reasoned.
  3. Your comments are not guaranteed a response, as much as I do try to respond to every one of them. I hope you find me and other bloggers on TechNet and MSDN to be accessible and engaging, but we do have jobs :).
  4. Bring a new perspective. A blog provides an opportunity for people to share their thoughts and opinions, and for all sides of a discussion to be examined. Comments that equate to "+1" are not helpful in expanding a conversation. Please review existing comments to the post before posting yours to ensure it is not redundant.
  5. Please keep an open mind. I am not a robot, nor am I a megaphone. I am a person participating in a discussion, just like you. If I entertain your thoughts and feedback, please be open to mine.
  6. Avoid "War" and other inappropriate associations. Software vendors and users do not engage in "war." We are discussing matters of business and industry, and my tolerance for equating the sometimes tense conversations to real situations where soldiers step into harm's way is near zero. Please ensure your comments have an appropriate cultural context & sensitivity.

Thank you for your readership, and please keep the discussion going.

Gray Knowlton