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Silverlight on

Good news for baseball fans everywhere:

The first major deployment of Microsoft's Silverlight technology went live Tuesday, with the Web site for Major League Baseball using version 1.0 of the browser for interactive video content. currently is using the technology to show video highlights of baseball games, integrating the Silverlight player with news stories and other content on the site. For example, a news story about New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez hitting his 500th home run includes a mini-Silverlight player users can click on to view a replay. Users also can e-mail the video clips directly to friends from within the Silverlight player.

OK, so perhaps someone needs to tell InfoWorld that Silverlight isn't a "browser," but it's still cool to know that MLB video is taking advantage of it.

Now that Silverlight 1.0 has been released (more cool stuff about this from Scott Guthrie), expect to see more cool announcements going forward.

Microsoft's Silverlight makes major league debut | InfoWorld | News | 2007-08-07 | By Elizabeth Montalbano, IDG News Service