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Arrived @ the Venetian yesterday evening after a 24h trip w/ some issues: on the flight from Munich to Atlanta, only 3 of the 7 toilets on the plane were working; on the flight from Atlanta to Las Vegas, the stewardess poured some hot tea over my hands when we got into a turbulence right at the moment when she passed me the cup (ahh, some ice worked well in mitigating this issue :-); when I arrived at the hotel, the taxi driver put my luggage down on the street next to the taxi, and another taxi promptly drove into my bag w/ the laptop & other electronic equipment (it did not drive over it, fortunately, because my laptop stopped it - the laptop is slightly damaged now, but still working fine - kudos to Dell for making tough hardware :-). But at least I'm alive and feeling well (no jetlag, as usual). Will have to spend the Sunday working on some events that I have next week. Tomorrow, I'll meet some/most/all (?) of the other Embedded Developer Evangelists at Microsoft - there are a few of them now. On Tuesday then, MEDC will start w/ a keynote - I'm looking forward to all the cool announcements and demos. Btw, this year I'm part of the official MS staff at the event, and I will be proctoring some HOLs, and be on duty at the MS pavilion. CU there!
