w00t - Egress v3.0.0 is out
Egress is the
application I use to read RSS feeds directly on my PocketPC.
spotted this - Egress version 3.0.0 is finally
What's new:
Major UI redesign including dpad seek. Click dpad-right or left to move to
the next or previous channel. Click and hold dpad-right or left to move to the
next or previous channel with unread items.Retrieve All Channels and Mark All Channels now operate on all channels
within current folderEntire RSS parsing recoded for greater reliability and speed
Item filtering greatly enhanced and now supports dates
Web caching redone to support caching with all browsers
Added ability to selectively or globally clear web cache
Web caching retention now selectable
Correct connection logic when GPRS connection times out
Fixed crash on feeds with malformed podcast elements
Supports transparency within GIF images
Added ability to selectively or globally clear podcasts
Added support for digg RSS extensions
Corrected placement of wizard buttons if input panel changed from within a
wizardInternal image viewer will now attempt to initialize at a more reasonable
zoom level depending on the size of the imageWeb browser now selectable during the trial period
Only channels which contain podcasts are listed in the Manage Podcasts
dialog and only items which contain podcasts (either cached or uncached) will
be listed in the item list of the dialogContext menu for image now changes if image is missing
Added support for additional html elements
Corrected rendering of channel icons
Updated support for Bloglines synchronized channels
Egress will attempt to auto-discover the URL of a feed from a web site URL
Added the ability to import a Newsgator OPML
Removed auto-subscription
Nice work Karl!
[ Currently Playing : Promise -
Violent Femmes - Violent Femmes (02:49) ]
- Anonymous
July 26, 2006
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