VS 2005 SP1 Beta : Available Now
One of the recurring questions I got at TechEd, was when will we be releasing the Service Pack for Visual Studio.
My answer was always - "Soon".
From today, my answer can be "Now"
Soma has all the details Visual Studio 2005 SP1 Beta and Visual Studio support for Vista
"Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 addresses issues that were found through a combination of customer reports, MSDN Product Feedback Center and internal testing"
And it is getting coverage online too
- eWeek Microsoft Releases Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack Beta
- InfoWorld Microsoft: Vista won't support older Visual Studio versions
- ZDNET blog Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 may not be Vista-compatible
- Redmond Magazine Visual Studio Service Pack Not Totally Compatible with Vista
[ Current Listening to : Pyramid by Wolfmother from Wolfmother ]