Who makes sure that all the cows' wishes come true?
The Dairy Godmother
- Anonymous
March 24, 2005
I think I just lost the will to live... - Anonymous
March 24, 2005
That's gonna leave a mark. - Anonymous
March 24, 2005
What do you call a pea that's fallen off a plate?
An escapea. - Anonymous
March 24, 2005
Did you know that cows can count?
Haven't you heard of a Cowculator? - Anonymous
March 24, 2005
I guess I just assumed that cows wanted to be steak. - Anonymous
March 25, 2005
How do you catch a one of a kind wild rabbit ?
Unique up on it.....
And how do you catch it's domesticated companion
The tame way........... - Anonymous
March 28, 2005
What's brown and sticky?
A stick. - Anonymous
March 29, 2005
I saw the Dairy Godmother last week, in one of my favourite TV programs (called Fairly Odd Parents). BTW the Dutch translation probably beats the original.