Another career option...
The first time, I thought it was a joke.
I'd just written a short link post, and I'd gotten the following comment in my blog:
When is the proper time to get up and leave the breakfast lunch or dinner table,whether it be with your spouse and childen and or company?
I just figured that one of my readers was messing with me. Then there was another:
My cousin is having an adoption party for her 3 sons that her present husband is adopting. What kind of gift would you give in this case?
I appreciate your feedback....
A quick look at my referrer page shows that I have a bunch of hits coming from Google - 250 or so right now. Turns out that due to my Google Karma, I'm the 8th most popular post on "Miss Manners".
I ignored this for a few days, until I got the following email last Thursday:
Sender: Ann
Email address: <deleted>
How does this work...I submitted a question, but I've noticed that none of the other questions posted on you site have been answered!!! I asked best way to say "no gifts" please.
Hmm. Ann is serious, and apparently, so are the other 17 people who also asked me questions. Which therefore poses a bit of a dilemna:
Should I answer them?
I mean, I'm not an advice columnist, but many of these questions are pretty easy to answer. For example:
Q: What is the proper language to use in asking your co-workers to support your child's fundraiser?
A: Such language does not exist. Most co-workers likely have no connection at all to your child, and it's unfair to ask them to help support something your child is doing, especially in a way that might make them feel like they have to contribute. This is really bad if you're young and childless and all your co-workers have kids. Friends are another story, though one should also try not to impose.
If there's a way to post something on a bulletin board or on your desk so that people can offer to donate if they want, I think that's okay.
Q: What is most polite way to suggest "not" bringing gifts to an adult birthday party?
A: People want to bring something to a party, and if you tell them to bring nothing, they won't feel as nice - especially if somebody else does bring something.
Two ideas for getting around this:
- Make it a theme party. Ask everybody to bring a different bottle of wine for a wine tasting, or their favorite cheese, or something like that. Something cheap and consumable.
- Do something for charity. Write something like, "Since I have been lucky in life, I don't really need any presents, so if you wish, instead of a present please bring a blanket to donate to the homeless". Or do the same with food for a food bank.
The danger, of course, is that I would hit the #1 spot on Google. In fact, merely the mention of "M. Manners" in this post might bump me up.
- Anonymous
August 30, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 30, 2004
Q: What is the most polite way to inform someone that one is not, in fact, in the business of offering advice on etiquette or manners, or indeed the care and feeding of pet rocks (or their wild relatives)? - Anonymous
August 30, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 30, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 30, 2004
Welcome to Google bombing: - Anonymous
August 30, 2004
I think that with a slight tweak to some of the language, you could achieve quite a bit of notariety. Seeing as how you are in the midst of a chance anyways, perhaps this is the perfect time to go down a completely unexpected path. - Anonymous
August 30, 2004
Oops, that's "notoriety". =) - Anonymous
August 30, 2004
role with it. - Anonymous
August 30, 2004
I agree with Matthew W. Jackson's comment... take a cue from Raymond Chen, and add a tagline under your "Eric Gunnerson's C# Compendium" header, saying: "Not really a Miss Manners blog".
Of course, then every one of your pages would include the text "Miss Manners", which would probably push your Google ranking even higher... grin - Anonymous
August 31, 2004
I hope all these comments in this post, containing all these keywords words don't grant you the first spot :) - Anonymous
August 31, 2004
Time for everyone to link to that page and title the link "Miss Manners" - Anonymous
August 31, 2004
Now that wouldn't be very "polite" would it? - Anonymous
September 17, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
December 18, 2004
Helpful For MBA Fans. - Anonymous
June 07, 2006
As you get on in years, you feel the need to pass on your accumulated wisdom to the younger generation,... - Anonymous
June 07, 2006
As you get on in years, you feel the need to pass on your accumulated wisdom to the younger generation,... - Anonymous
June 06, 2008
The comment has been removed