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Day One of ESC Silicon Valley

Well, I suppose it is really day 1/2, as today's sessions were mostly pre-conference sessions for most participants. However, the Windows Embedded team started our regular conference series of breakout sessions and things seem to be going smoothly.

Mike Hall started off the day with his usual cheer - quite a feat at 8-30am <grin>. He showed everyone "How to Become a Windows Embedded CE developer in 60 minutes"- although we are still wondering why his session lasted 90 minutes. Tom Xanthos delivered his first-ever Embedded presentation on "Introduction to Windows XP Embedded", and he was very polished and prepared. There were about 40-50 attendees at his session, which gradually whittled down to around 20 or so for my session, "Creating Custom Components for XP Embedded"- the last of the day, starting at 3pm. And somehow someone stole 1/2 hour from my session- I was only allocated 1 hour, while everyone else got 90 minutes. Maybe there are big plans for tonight that I don't know about, and everyone had to leave at 4pm...

Between Tom's and my session Dion Hutchings gave his session on "Choosing the right API for your Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Application". Right next door to the breakout sessions there are the Hand-On Labs. It seems things were slow to get started but by mid-afternoon there were about 40 people putting into practice some of the stuff they had learned earlier in the day in the various breakout sessions. For a detailed list of all the Hand-on Lab sessions available see this link.

For a detailed list of the rest of the week's session relating to Windows Embedded view this link.

If you are at the conference swing by to chat with the product team members who are staffing the booth or proctoring the Hands-on labs. We would love to hear about your devices, your feature requests or anything else Embedded-related! We are in the Almaden ballrooms at the Hilton, right next to the McEnery Conference Center.

- Lynda

Technorati Tags: XPe, Componentization
