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Happy Birthday CodePlex!

Today is the 2nd anniversary of the CodePlex launch announcement.  We celebrated with some birthday cake on this nice, warm and sunny Friday afternoon in Seattle.

CodePlex Team Members

CodePlex team members who are not currently on vacation.  =)  We have a few who are out of office right now.


And a picture of our half-eaten birthday cake.  I have got to remember to take pictures first, then eat the cakeā€¦


  • Anonymous
    June 27, 2008
    Congrats! ;-) CodePlex is an awesome resource that was a long time coming, hopefully it will be around for a long time to come.

  • Anonymous
    August 11, 2008
    The Codeplex team let us know a month ago on the actual date :) but since Soma blogged it , now everyone